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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I don't think there's an uglier player in baseball than Harper.
  2. Bryce Harper can suck my di**. In my perfect world the Cubbies beat los doyers, 'Stros beat the Stankees. Cubs, 'Stros, 'Stros take it.
  3. ^The DBacks pitching is just being overmatched, and the past 2 nights at Dodger Stadium the crowd was super intense. I mean, there were 40,000+ people cheering "Yasiel Puig" before he got that double last night, that's gotta get to you a little bit if you're the DBacks. Yeah I'm listening to the Astros radio feed through MLB At Bat on my phone, I can't stand TBS. With AJ there I'm definitely not rushing to watch the game.
  4. Well if the Doyers are gonna sweep the DBacks I'm gonna need the Sox to be swept to lift my spirits. The DBacks don't even look like they belong in the NLDS.
  5. Tapping the MLB At Bat app on my phone the past couple days has been frustrating to say the least. .5 game away, 1 game away, 1.5 games away, then they can't win. It's so strange to me that you see other teams pick up slack and get to it while we seem to have the same kinds of problems we've had getting to the postseason for the past decade.
  6. That fakeup chick looks like she has STD's that I don't even know the names of, and those knuckle tattoos really complete the ensemble for a winner. Is that *grime* under her fake thumbnail? *shudders*
  7. What I saw: "Let's throw the kid salami's during batting practice with a metal bat in his hand until he hits one over..." Does anyone know what kind of bat is allowed in Little League? In College and High School Ball (starting at 14 years of age) with metal bats, we were allowed nothing less than a -3. Basically, it meant the bats number of ounces could not be more than 3 digits below the length of the bat. For example, a 33 inch bat (which I typically used) could not weight less than 30 ounces. This is my all time favorite bat: I'm not sure what the rules are with Little League, but if the kid is using a -8, I mean come on. Thing is like a feather in your hand with so much length and pop from the aluminum and tech in the bat, if we could use -8's at that age we woulda been hitting dingers all the time. Not to mention kids these days seem SO much bigger. What the hell is going on, is it something in the water? Little League has always been kind of a joke to me, I grew up playing Pony ball which does not have NEARLY the exposure, but you start playing like adults at a much younger age, with much further bases, a couple different rules (like being able to lead off) and much further fences.
  8. Pretty sure Girardi pulled him in the 7th --pinch hit with Ellsbury-- to kill the streak. They also had quite a lead at that point, so he could afford the substitution. Typical pussy ass NY move to avoid making history, if you ask me, as Ells ended up having 2 total AB's, and going 0fer for both of them. To be honest, I'm surprised Joe didn't do it weeks ago.
  9. I will tattoo "I <3 Troll Daddy" on my butt if the Angels make the playoffs.
  10. Key word there, *almost*. We just saw the Phills pull a Halos.
  11. Noice 1-2-3. That's the way to complete an inning after getting a big lead. Let them get themselves out.
  12. Scioscia tomorrow while making the lineup: "Time to sit Cron and give'm a little rest, let'm figure some things out."
  13. First time this season 3 HR's in 1 inning for the Halos.
  14. It's like they can't swing and miss the frickin' baseball LOL with nobody warming up in the BP
  15. I love how I haven't been here in weeks, I bitch and moan about Cron, and now the motherf**ker is 2-2 with a homer. Can't make this stuff up.
  16. Pujols could stand to lose about 30 pounds. It'd be good for him, it'd be good for everyone in the Angels Organization.
  17. Swinging as hard as possible can mess with your mechanics. You just want to keep your swing consistent, and keep your eyes on the ball. Trout is the epitome of this. LOL how did Pujols get in there safe. LOL!
  18. Well, yes. If you've ever hit a home run, sometimes it feels as if it was perhaps the most effortless swing you've ever made.
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