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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. So...the Home Run Halo doesn't light up anymore? Just another perfect representation of this organization: broken.
  2. Just tuned in...only 1-0...well, atleast we still have a chance so far in the bottom of the 1st.
  3. I haven't looked at the standings because with the way we're playing what's the freaking point. But holy shit I can't believe if we were just at .500 we'd actually be in 2nd place. AL West is practically giving the Halos an open window here, and as usual, instead of taking advantage they're shitting the bed.
  4. Our defense was actually quite good last night, if you overlook that wild pitch that bounced halfway to the pitchers mound, where the batter definitely swung...but you can never assume anything from the umps with those check swing calls. Rengifo made some great plays at 3rd. Of course he practically leveled off his contributions by getting thrown out by a mile at 2nd with nobody out, which really put a damper on what initially was a great piece of hitting. We also couldn't steal a base to save our lives, and it's becoming way too common. We're just missing those productive outs/clutch hits in key moments that would give us that push over these 1 run losses. The K's with RISP are just awful, contact HAS to be made in those situations.
  5. How many 1 run ballgames have we lost? And how many opportunities to tie and or take the lead have we squandered in those 1 run ballgame losses? Seems like a lot.
  6. Not to mention the most pathetic excuse me swing from Schanuel down on 2 strikes. Absolutely terrible execution by Schanuel in that at bat.
  7. So sick of us giving up outs on the basepaths. That play to get Rengifo wasn't even close. RISP=Offensive death for this team
  8. Ramirez always looks like he shit his pants and the smell has creeped up to his nose.
  9. I'm alright with letting the boys off on Memorial Day to spend time with friends and family, especially considering they're home in Anaheim for the series before and after.
  10. I cannot stand the TV guys for the asstros, they're a bunch of pompous asses. Even in the short clip replays/condensed games, I'll put it on mute. The play by play guys voice is unbearable, it sounds like his nose is constantly stuffed with snot, and has to be the most annoying sports guy I've ever heard.
  11. Let's hope Adell can keep up his good approach at the plate in the 5 hole because I'd like to see him higher up in the line up a lot more often. Feel good with Anderson on the bump, some early run support would be great, a 2 or 3 run lead is not going to do it with this pen, let's get up by 5! And last, let's get some good at bats and situational hitting with RISP.
  12. Has nothing to do with liking them, they are 2 of the top players on this team and they contribute a lot on the field and in that clubhouse. If you want to get to the playoffs, and if come late July this team is actually in contention for that, why would you trade 2 of the top players who have proven themselves, and kept the team in the race...for a trade gamble? Just because they're going to free agency next year? Seems stupid. Like putting the cart before the horse.
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