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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Astros need to score more than 2 runs in a game if they ever expect a W against los doyers.
  2. Which is absolute bullsh*t considering the amount of pussification this world has become. Everyone needs to stop being such thin skinned pretentious bitches. The world is a better place when we can all make fun of eachother based on how we are, instead of being snowflakes offended by any stupid thing that comes up. I would surmise Yu is this way, as he didn't give a sh*t about the gesture but felt like he needed to say something because the pathetic media was shoving microphones down his gullet, and look at that, the respectful, awesome, amazing reaction he had makes me feel that is true. Why can't all these SJW's and PC pussies react that way? What's with the vitriol? Jesus Christ, is this really the world people want to live in? A super-sensitive universe? It's absurd. It's pathetic. I'm glad I'll be dead in 50 years, all you oversensitive pussies disgust me and you ought to be ashamed of what this has all become. I'm here to watch a ballgame. Again, it's not like he ran around the bases slant eyed. He didn't heil Hitler around the bases. Give it up. It's been so blown out of proportion and speaks volumes about the pathetic media and oversaturation which has overcome 99.9% of society.
  3. I went to a family/friends house in Anaheim for a game 7 party. So many houses on the block had the game on. From their home, you could hear the thundersticks and the fans roaring from Angel Stadium. The crowd was so loud. So loud. The entire game. When Garret hit that double, you could hear people in other houses going off like we did, it felt like we had just won the game. It felt like the roof was being blown off the house. But it was so remarkable it almost felt like it wasn't happening. Garret was never known for smiling, and god damn he couldn't even smile after hitting that double. I can't imagine being the Giants in that stadium. You got a staff of 50 against 40,000 roaring against you throughout the entire game. Man was the stadium raucous. There may have been bandwagon fans, but man, that stadium was rocking so hard they could barely keep the cameras still. That catch by Erstad, and the Percival double pump once he caught it was one of the greatest moments ever in my memory of baseball.
  4. This Gurriel shit is so fu**ing stupid, and should be treated that way. Being blown way out of proportion. Have any of you ever been around baseball dudes in a dugout, in a bus, at a bar? Both guys have already made their peace, why does there have to be more vitriol from some of you SJW's? Manfred suspended him in 2018 to nip this in the bud to shut SJW's up, probably because he thought this situation was stupid too. 99.9% of these people who get sand in their vaginas about stuff like this don't actually give a shit about what he did, they just want to pitchfork and torch, they just want their 15 seconds of twitter time, or to be heard, or to get attention, or act holier than thou. You know how I know they don’t care? Because in 2 weeks once the World Series is over, nobody is going to be talking about this, because they’ll move on to the next thing to get more attention. It’s fucking pathetic. Right, because we NEVER hear shit being talked on President Trump by everyone, every hour of ever waking day. What f**king planet are you on? Unreal.
  5. lol Lou waiting for the past hour to post that.
  6. If this is what game 3 feels like I can't imagine what the next couple games are going to be like.
  7. lol that strike zone has just been getting further and further outside
  8. Turner sure knows how to smack a baseball, but he has to be the most ridiculous looking baseball player the game has ever seen. Nice to see the Houston bullpen bringing it. Man that grand slam would have been fun though.
  9. That home plate ump needs to get his head out of his ass. How does he not get that freaking bat out of the way for the play at the plate? I agree.
  10. Puig being Puig. And that makes me happy. What a tool.
  11. I cant believe McCann didnt score on that. 2 outs running on anything... If it was even close you gotta send him, force the doyers to make a perfect throw home.
  12. Right. Which is why he specifically said in his post, "for a manager."
  13. Okay so AJ Hinch is in a bar after the game, some asshole doyer fans see him and recognize him and won't leave him alone, they start some shit, he defends himself or doesn't, cops get called, TMZ stretches the story and the title to make it seem like more than it was, bing bang boom. Just because he's in an "Altercation" doesn't make him the guilty party. I fucking hate TMZ.
  14. I wonder if jumping into the bullpen holds the same Federal offense running on the field does. That being said, I hope that dumbshit had a miserable night in jail. What did he really think he was going to accomplish? Effin doyer fans. Yeah I thought that was an odd move as well, when the guy is pitching well, and taking game 2 in a 7 game series is HUGE, let the guy go until he hits a snag.
  15. This makes little to sense to me. I hate the Yankees but I'll be damned if Girardi isn't one of the most professional managers in the league that I've seen. And he wins. What else could the Yankees want?
  16. Oh NOW the catcher knows how to block the ball when there's nobody on base. Sheesh
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