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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Man only the first inning and that was stressfull.
  2. How were thoe 2 pitches to puig not strikes?
  3. Tomorrow is anybody's game, and the 'Stros bats need to wake the eff up.
  4. Can't expect to beat los doyers only scoring 1 run. Verlander gave his all out there. Gotta support him better.
  5. Why is fux sucking U2's tiny d**k this world series?
  6. Don't care. I used to love Utley until that filthy useless slide. Just for good measure, he deserves one too.
  7. Good call Strad. Too late on that switch, that's for sure.
  8. Seriously. After Utley was the cause of all that dirty sliding bullsh*t. How dare they even question it.
  9. Completely different situation. Situational hitting Strad. You should bone up on it some time.
  10. Verlander deserves more runs and those goddamn Astros better start giving him some.
  11. Roberts over managing IMO. There are 2 frickin' outs. Playing like they're already hanging by the skin of their teeth.
  12. I think Hill could have gotten out of that too.
  13. doyers got out of it by a terrible hacking at bat by Bregman. You don't hack there, you wait for your pitch, and your pitch only.
  14. Abysmal move as far as I'm concerned from the manager. He made this mess. Let him effing get out of it. He earned it.
  15. Verlander is like why am I even in this batters box.
  16. There was NO reason for Reddick to swing on that foul fly.
  17. Aaaaand it's starting to sprinkle in LA. How random!
  18. Eff LA for being a bunch of reactionary douchebags. I hope the boos amp his ass up.
  19. Altuve needs to stop whackin, and wait for his pitch.
  20. I want to make a comment about Verlanders pitching right now but I'm not gonna.
  21. Yah I'll be honest, the Halos have been super tough to watch these past couple years, I was so busy there was no way I was checking baseball every day, and once we were out of it back sometime in August, I stopped paying attention. I mean, they probably still had a shot, but let's be real. The playoffs is where baseball is at. Kinda like NBA basketball. I'll watch the finals. But anything before that is just a long, grueling masturbation. Don't get me wrong, I love long grueling masturbation, but it get becomes old hat once you hit your 30's.
  22. Remarkable. An absolutely amazing baseball game. My god. How can you not have fun watching games like this? Both these teams want to win SO hard. It's like it's never over. They are wearing out the crap out of each other. I can't ever remember a series like this. Oh, and for good measure:
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