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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Because as much as they're a division rival, I hate them so much less than the Doyers or Stanks. I wanted to be able to actually root for the guy, hard to do when he's in blue or pinstripes. You know Strad, we're allowed to like other teams and players that are on other teams, right? What are you 6 years old? Unreal.
  2. I guess if Stanton has to go to the Stanks or Dogs, I'd rather it be the Stanks. Although I wish the Astros would have had a better shot, that short high porch in left would be perfect for Stanton. But I guess Stankee stadium is even smaller...
  3. Just one more reason for the rest of the entire league, and their fans to hate us. We're now, without a doubt, MLB's unwanted stepchild. FU*K 'EM! WE DON'T NEED 'EM! This news has absolutely made my day, and has absolutely cheered my offseason up until the 2018 season begins. Wow. Just wow. Nobody, absolutely nobody, can believe that he'd skip the doyers or stankees. Did anybody else hear why he chose the Angels? Word on the street was we were the team he talked to that felt less like a "business" and more like a (just paraphrasing) "team and place he wanted to be a part of and grow with." Those kind of intangibles are valuable, and for some guys, no amount of money is going to make them miss an opportunity to be a part of something like the Angels apparently do with their players. I've already heard so many people talking shit on the Angels and Ohtani, a COMPLETE 180 from all the high praise and talk in the past month or so. I'd expect all the sports radio and TV shows to just gloss over this signing, pretty much like they do with any kind of Angel news.
  4. Not my first, second, or third. Most definitely will not be my last. But everyone wants to talk shit and nobody will back it up = every internet forum ever.
  5. Hey Blarg you ever drove a Ferrari? Lambo? Viper? Bently? Rolls? And then got paid for it? Didn't think so. Not a valet anymore old man. But the pay and job was fu**ing fantastic. Upskirts for dayyyyys.
  6. Wrong about the pay, I'm salaried with full benefits. I probably consult with your boss. You're right that you're a bitch though, I'd knock you the fu** out before you even saw it coming. So can we just end this stupid banter if nobody is gonna step up to me? I will fight but everyones pussing out. Oh by the way Joe Buck, I'll fight you too.
  7. My build is low, strong, and unstoppable. You're a little bitch m0nkey, you know you are, and I'd take you any day. My feud still stands with that other little girl talking shit by the way, I don't have time to pay attention to her name. Lou you and everyone here are awesome. I know you guys hate on me for my stupid comments but it's all just dicking around for fun, and I don't care you've all been so respectful and loving and all the shit I get I deserve, but if everyone really wants to see an internet fistfight battle I will destroy both of these clowns. I'm not going to apologize for it either I'm sick of m0nkey licking my asshole but not caressing the balls.
  8. I am just. *deep breath* I am just so goddamn happy the doyers did not win. Like, I know a lot of you guys are from SoCal, but from those of you that aren't: Dodger fans are like the butthole of baseball fans. They're like Raider fans. I said this when the series started: doyer fans are already unbearable. And if they won this series, I can't even imagine how horrible they would be. This is why I am absolutely relieved they lost. Don't get me wrong, I sport Halo caps all day every day. But for now, I am going to buy an Astros cap, wear it proudly, and proclaim myself an Angels fan with a 'Stros cap. And if any doyer bum has anything to say, the Halos still have the World Series 2002 while the doyers are still waiting. I'm so happy to just have that for now. And I look forward to the Halos kicking it in high gear with Trout, and Angel red will always be my home team.
  9. Eff the dodgers and their fans each and every goddamn day
  10. There is a god. And he hates los doyers as much as I do. God bless America.
  11. What does being black have to do with it? Racist. I'm just gonna stop, I'm just glad los doyers are going to lose the World Series in LA because they and their fams are garbage.
  12. Actually id take grittyveterans ass in10 seconds then take stupid impulse puig
  13. Like to see him try You dont even know my build lol
  14. Dodgers down to 3 strikes and all their fans can kiss my fuggin ass.
  15. Dodgers are swinging like the pussies they are. Their fans are pussy losers too.
  16. No reason to yank McCullers after a K imo. But the pitcher got Puig out, so credit to the manager.
  17. Effing Springer will be the MVP if the Stros win
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