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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU ASSHOLES Jesus do you asshats not know baseball etiquette?
  2. When it was the 5th and Terry was saying 99mph heat I was like... ...wait, is this the Angels?
  3. Sure it's fun to speculate but ESPN is trash.
  4. I for one am shocked. Freak accidents on the Angels? Par for the course.
  5. What I'm trying to figure out is how you were able to type all that with so much Vlad Jr cock in your mouth.
  6. I disagree. Pretty much when Vlad made contact you'd know that the ball was gone immediately. I don't really see that in this kids swing. Apparently neither did the BJ's broadcaster as he was begging that ball to "get up." And, is that a BATTING GLOVE I see? For shame! Sorry to say, ain't gonna measure up to pops. IE Bruin can call me out on it in 10 years if I'm wrong. Wouldn't have had a problem with the Halo's giving him a shot though, that's for sure. Apparently Dipoto effed that up? Might have to fight Mr. Trout for that #27 though.
  7. ^Really IE? That's the best you got? I think most would agree, change for the sake of change is rarely ever progress. We're talking about a right field wall. Why change what's not broken?
  8. Yup. The worst part about Wrigley is those stupid nets that look like sh*t. Hit the ball over the goddamn fence for a homer, not really that hard.
  9. If I'da known you could bat under .200 for your career and still be a paid pro ballplayer I woulda tried a lot harder growing up. Either way Mathis is garbage. Perez did seem to scuffle here, which is too bad, I liked him quite a bit and wish he would have performed better. I have absolutely no confidence in Skip's catcher considerations.
  10. One game at a time but of course the Halo curse hits Kinsler before opening day. I woulda put good money on it to be quite honest.
  11. Except that's not what you said. It never used to be the same height of wall around the entire park. Either way, this is dumb. Doesn't hurt to have some variety in wall height the same way it's been for the last 15-20 years. What's the point of having a high wall if it's not being accounted for? And if they really have that tacky ass net it's even worse. Who is out of their goddamn mind that makes these asinine decisions and why would Arte sign off on it?
  12. I was speaking hypothetically about the Monster because yes Strad, we all know why the Green Monster is as tall as it is thanks for the lesson. And it is not the same height of wall around the entire park, considering the left and right field walls are like 5 feet tall. Pujols is 100% a better hitter when he stops trying to pull the ball for homers and uses all sides of the field by swinging at the ball for contact, and hitting it where the pitches are thrown. That's pretty much his power these days. I'm shocked nobody in the Angels organization has told him that. Fine, 9th inning tie game, swing for the fences. But in a day to day routine, the guy just needs to get base hits and not make so many dumb outs. Maybe the images we saw were just tests and prototypes. Gawd I absolutely hate the idea of an even wall around the entire outfield. I like the variety of the various wall heights around the outfield. TrollDaddy what the hell is that lol
  13. I think lowering the yellow line was stupid, and the net is even stupider. And ugly. And cheap looking. What was the problem with the tall wall in the first place? Also, and many may disagree, I really think it's kind of the point of a Home Run how a ball needs to "leave the field" to be counted, not just hit over some arbitrary yellow line even though it stays in the field of play. For example like at Chase field they have the yellow line in center, I hate that crap. And I liked the fact you had to hit over the tall scoreboard wall, and the other hits that went off the scoreboard, made for some variety with doubles and triples. It's like taking the Green Monster and painting a yellow line down the center of it halfway up the wall. Welp, it didn't go over the wall but since we decided to put this line here, HOMER RUN! Overall this is just dumb.
  14. Who? Not a lot of power hitting 3Basemen who excel at defense that are available IMO. *EDIT* Just saw Ace of Diamonds post. Signing Maustakas would be unreal at this point. If it happens it seems Arte gave Eppler full reigns this offseason, he wants to contend and we're beefing up to do it. Awesome awesome news.
  15. I've only ever hated Kinsler since he's always been a thorn in the Angels ass. Glad to have him in a Halo uniform, wish him the best with us in 2018.
  16. Cannot be worse than Giovatella and Kins has the short porches which I think will really help his bat. I am shocked if people are not a fan of him coming to the Halos.
  17. All Pujols needs to do is drop his Home Run schtick and just try to make good contact with the baseball, whether it is in on the plate, or on the outside of the plate. He needs to be concentrated on hitting doubles, and getting on base. His pulling the ball is not only killing his average, but is driving his GIDP through the roof. He does NOT have the same power he (supposedly) used to have, and his job from this point forward needs to be getting hits when we need it most. The thing is he is GOOD at making solid contact. When he starts thinking Home Runs you can see it in his swing and it ruins him.
  18. Dude getting Kinsler is absolutely HUGE. He's a great defender, he swings a good bat, he's going to be nothing but good for the Halos. Holy Crap the Angels are playing the market smart, and like they want to win. What an awesome offseason so far.
  19. It's because people in the public DON'T KNOW every team knew about this beforehand. So they break the story like the Angels are dumbshits, because nobody wanted him to go to the Angels except us Angel fans. They most definitely are. They wanted Ohtani on los doyers. Or another "big market" team that's anyone but the Halos. All a joke and misinformation. So it sounds like the Halos got a steal with Ohtani, someone was butthurt the Angels got him, so they broke out the news that he has elbow issues which every single team knew about beforehand, but people or casual baseball fans were not aware of this, and then they all flamewar like the Angels got screwed, even though they didn't. Really par for the course this day and age with terrible media and their weak attempts at clickbait with no story. Everything is fine. Ohtani is ours, he is going to be a great addition, and ignore all the Halo Haters.
  20. Nobody talks about the Halos ever. Sign an international wonder? Nah. Someone overpays Stanton? THE BASEBALL GODS HAVE BLESSED THE STANKEES! I've so given up on media everything is just opinion these days.
  21. So are we safe to say this is media over-dramatics as usual? Some dude at the bar just pulled up some stupid facebook shared article (probably a Halo hater) and it's reporting like Ohtani is inevitable for Tommy John surgery. It felt like overdramatics and bad news, because so many people hate on the Angels, it's crazy how stupid shit people read can become "fact" to folks who don't even check the facts. Super annoying and I can't believe some people are so quick to judge with the first thing they hear. It just makes me want the Halos to win more than ever.
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