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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. What warning did I get? I see no message from you Doc. Penis pics of getting soft, to a hard boner and I'm getting warned for what? profanity?
  2. I'd be the same. "Why the hell are you asking me the same stupid questions over and over that don't mean or explain anything when we're 10 games into a 162 game season?" He just wants to get the hell out of there and hang out on a Sunday after winning a pro ball game. Bullshit the answers, keep 'em quick, go home!
  3. If anyone has ever watched baseball they would know spring training basically has 0 accountability for how a pro ballplayer will perform come regular season.
  4. $#% matt joyce. This $%$ couldn't swing a tennis racket at a basketball for us and all he does when he plays us is #%$ us in the #$%. Dude can eat my dingleberries as far as I'm concerned.
  5. Whoever the that is announcing the attendance which can be overheard loud and clear on the radio feed sounds like he is stoned and/or drunk and doesn't seem to give a **about 1) knowing the information he's sharing nor 2) sharing that information with the participating media
  6. Well usually the pornstars get to them but they were off this week, had to take a trip to Washington, DC
  7. Much like Mathis, it hurts my brain trying to figure out how these 2 dudes still have a job in Major League Baseball.
  8. I feel like if boner pics are gonna fly around here it's pretty much become fair game.
  9. Gotta be honest, how do you post something like this so quickly? Remarkable.
  10. useless then sure, but you've got yer nose up my arsehole constantly so that must mean something right? don't get a dingleberry in your mouth
  11. We all know it wasn't going to go all the way. I will gladly take a 5 day ban Chuck if that will really make everyone feel better.
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