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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. That slide that was overturned really seemed to seal the deal, and Maldo just giving it his all in the effort was really awesome, so I give it to him. Honorable mention, I do like this as well. Is there anyway we can give points to bloodbrother for his absolutely awesome avatar?
  2. I gotta tip my cap to Scioscia. His very deliberate confidence in Ohtani, in jest of all the negative Spring Training media, must have been such a HUGE weight off Shohei's shoulders at the time. Even when he struggled in his last ST performance, Skip said he looked really good out there. Mainstream MLB media/sports media thought Mike was delirious. When it comes down to it, it's probably a big factor in why Ohtani chose to come to the Halos in the first place. No constant overboard cameras in his face. From what I heard when he signed here, he just felt the most comfortable with being an Angel. To me, that's awesome. I have no problem with Skip pampering him and making sure he stays healthy.
  3. If Kindler sucks after watching this team play the way they have without him, I'd be shocked. Dude's getting up there, and wants a ring. With Pujols, Trout and new friend Ohtani holding him up by his bootstraps, I think it will be awesome to see him in a Halo uniform.
  4. Thatta baby Albert. Just get yer butt on base. First pitch!
  5. Gotta say Pujols looks 10-20 pounds lighter. Even though he's still hitting like Pujols I'm glad to see him atleast in a bit better shape.
  6. Wow who is this Parker guy? I like to see him going after guys. Very nice.
  7. Man there's a lot of random fans yelling lol sounds like Oakland
  8. I like seeing those quick 1st outs after scoring some runs.
  9. Congrats to Ohtani. THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING TO BE ON OUR CLUB! Awesome to have him here.
  10. Yes! Bases loaded no outs in the 8th. Halos never giving up.
  11. Please oh please make sure Simmons didn't get some dumb injury on that. That was one funky slide.
  12. Nice to see Calhoun getting some knocks. Good grit, wants to win. I'll always root for him.
  13. Per Garret Richards. Dude is probably a spectacular pitcher when healthy, but as far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't depend on him.
  14. btw does it look unusually empty in Ranger stadium tonight?
  15. He did apologize, and while that was nice, it didn't *not take away* a perfect game Armando definitely earned. Don't worry about it, I'm not gonna argue, I'm sure umpiring is a tough job. What's tough is my dad umpired in the same kind of leagues you did, Pony, even High School, and time after time he tells me when watching games "why is that umpire right there? He should be *here* or *here*" and I'm always like...you know what pops? You're right. And I know you're not going to be in a PERFECT position 100% of the time but these are supposed to be the best and dagnabbit it's frustrating. But come on. Referring to the Armando game, as an umpire team, you GOT to go to Joyce at that moment, say yeah you dropped the ball, then you overturn the call to get it RIGHT. That's all I'm saying.
  16. Holy smokes this Ramirez guys got some stank on his pitches.
  17. I'd have a *little* sympathy for umps if they didn't absolutely refuse to overturn terrible calls they made no matter what. Or if they weren't in absolutely horrendous positioning to watch plays where they basically can't see anything. One example that immediately stands out is the perfect game that was stolen from Armando Galarraga. Admit your mistake on the field, and own up to it. The stubbornness is what bugs me the most. Thank christ for instant replay.
  18. Absolutely awesome slide by Maldonado there. After see where he was when that throw came down the line, I thought he'd be out by a mile! Time and time again MLB's umpires seem to have absolutely no idea where to position themselves to get the best views of close plays. I can't imagine without replay how many terrible calls they've gotten away with.
  19. This kind of quality material is exactly what keeps me coming back to Angels Win.
  20. kershaw spouting off about Ohtani for no reason other than what he saw from Spring Training was absurd. If anyone should know, it's him. It's a long season, I'm not gonna jump the gun. But goddamn I'd be lying if I didn't say any day the Halos win, just seems like a better day. The sun shines brighter, the air smells better. Let's not forget Trout's still hanging around!
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