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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Swinging at balls... WHY is Kole pulling an outside pitch? He needs to drop the pull schtick.
  2. This is the kind of garbage that should be banned from Angel Stadium forever. Calhoun's walk up music is trash as well.
  3. This team is making excuse me swings while the BoSux are swinging for the fences. A pathetic display of Angels baseball if I've ever seen one yet this year.
  4. Why the fuck are they forcing us to listen to Mota? Ever since I heard this douchebags voice the Halo's haven't won. Dump this dumbasses ass. Nobody cares what he has to say.
  5. Nope. Even with a Grand Salami we still have the lead. Let him get out of the mess he's gotten himself into.
  6. They're bored cause they've stuck around and been losing. When you're down by so much you do things to be entertained. Including doing whatever you can to annoy the opposing team.
  7. I hope the matte hipster with the "3D" logo helmets go to hell, I'm so glad the Halos have left their helmets shiny without the 3D logo.
  8. F*** YES F***ING KOLE Watching the pitch, hitting it where it's at. Great swing for Mr. Calhoun.
  9. I don't get it. Pujols at this point in time should know so much better than to swing at garbage like that.
  10. And it's pretty much the stupidest most irrelevant mascot of anything that I've ever seen. We're talkin a lame mascot for gas station food here, folks.
  11. Nope. We have one thing we haven't had in a while. CONFIDENCE IN OUR ABILITY TO COME THROUGH
  12. What's up with these long skin tight arm thingies they wear. Is that to keep their one arm warm? I don't get it.
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