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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Finally Rengifo has a chance to get to second when we really need it and he actually would have made it, then he doesn't go lol. Yah, passed ball, but still.
  2. Adell doesn't throw the ball into the stands after he records the 3rd out? Jerk.
  3. I don't see how it takes courage to get a stupid tatt across your neck. I will say it takes a significant amount of shitheadedness...
  4. Not agreeing with them just thinking out loud...if he would have caught the hop it would have been an out...not usually much of a problem for the standard Major Leaguer...and besides, the hop was on line... Either way he's got to stop that ball or the back up (should be the pitcher) needs to.
  5. Been asking that for weeks. If they want to keep him in the line up, fine, but he does not belong in the leadoff spot. He's also come up in key situations where we need a bat on the ball and he just blows it with a K or piddly grounder that doesn't even advance the runners.
  6. And why does it always seem like it's the Stankees that pull the bullshit.
  7. Sometimes if ice machines break the store will go buy bagged ice and toss it in the machine temporarily till its fixed. Might be the case here. But just to make sure, you should go to 5 or 10 other locations to confirm, then report back to us post haste.
  8. VICTORY! Any day the Angels win is a great day! ESPECIALLY against the Stankees! LIGHT THAT BABY UP!
  9. Another ball when hit in Stankee stadium would be a home run, but that won't do the job at a real ballpark in Anaheim.
  10. I don't get it. If these losers love New York so much, why don't they go back where they came from? Why did they leave to go to Southern California?
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