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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I agree. I liked when their road Uni's said "Anaheim" on the front much better. Maybe Arte should consider dropping the LA garbage and go back to a city that won them a World Series?
  2. Doesn't matter, he's got the dreamiest eyes... I would definitely resist at first, but if he was persistent, I would probably give in a little bit...depending on how persistent he was...
  3. I retract my opposition. Online vote? Can't argue with that, gotta be all good science.
  4. I spell it wrong on purpose. Screw that dumb car.
  5. It'd be great to know the dumbass who decides which player receives these awards.
  6. Some of the engines they put in the expensive ones are killer fast, I wouldn't doubt, but for the most part Camaro's are garbage.
  8. Trout homers, shocking. AL winning another ASG, shocking. Superior division all around if I do say so myself.
  9. This home plate umpire has sucked ballsack the entire game.
  10. Calhoun's poor performance at the plate, not to mention lack of adjustments have pained me. Does this lay on his shoulders? Or is nobody including Hinske trying to help him? He's a strong guy. A shortened up swing with a lighter bat looking to hit the ball where it's pitched at would really do him a favor. Is there a reason him and Trout aren't talking swinging? So confusing.
  11. What was frustrating was that Boston series where basically they were laughing in our faces at our own stadium. This team can NOT puss out against the big market teams if you want to be in contention come playoff time. For whatever reason after that stint, they have continued their beginning of season momentum. I am very glad to see it.
  12. I'd have to say this is a pretty good team. Pitching is perhaps our biggest weakness, but these guys know how to score runs, and they really seem to want it.
  13. As a former catcher, you never, ever take anything for granted. You run and tag the guy, no matter what that POS ump says. You throw the ball to first, no matter what that POS ump says. Never give the benefit of the doubt to a POS umpire.
  14. Kinda funny how bullshit calls back before replay pretty much screwed the Halos in the ass, ain't it?
  15. You have to be retarded to not think AJ is literally taking relentless low blow digs at Scioscia, all of our players, and the entire Angels Organization on Saturday night baseball. And once the Stanks got a lead, he's just jerking off into a ceiling fan at this point.
  16. Richards is a lost cause. Needs to be DL'd, then designated for assignment, then should never show up at an Angel game, in an Angel uniform, ever again. How much time and effort are you supposed to spend on a guy? He's had his chance. It's time to turn the page.
  17. I mean I'm no expert, but if I spent the 40 hours a week I spend at my job playing baseball, you'd think I'd have some kind of clue about how to approach it. $1 Mill? $10 Mill? Who gives a crap. You'd think after a while you'd kinda, oh I dunno, "Figure it out." Maybe Richards should ask his mom. I bet she's got better advice than whatever he's been given.
  18. Richards was pitching like a little girl. And that's pretty much it.
  19. Stop picking me out strad amongst the other absurd comments. I'm never growing up so deal with it. Enjoy being old.
  20. Agreed. Both these assholes act like they were long term Yankee players with multiple WS rings. Just trash and trash.
  21. I can't watch this garbage anymore. I thought these motherfuc**rs knew how to play baseball. Ian Kinsler is gonna be pitching the 6th.
  22. I cannot believe they are letting AJ talk shit on the Angels throughout this entire telecast. Actually I can believe it. The halos are the unwanted stepchild of MLB.
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