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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Haha machado eat a dick and take your stupid hair with you.
  2. Brewers need to score runs the Dodgers will not go easily and they will swing for the fences, looking for the walkoff. Way too much dicking around by Brewers offense.
  3. I feel the same way about the 2 guys before him too. Also why the f**k is Moustakas not bunting here? Absolutely retarded lack of fundamental baseball.
  4. Brewers are gonna regret not taking advantage of that lead off double. And I've been bitching and moaning about terrible umpires and their dogshit strike zones for over a decade so it doesn't matter if there's a box on the screen or not.
  5. This umpire is dogshit. I can't wait for computer-generated balls and strikes. They can't get these fat oafs off the field fast enough.
  6. Brewers have been blessed with Peralta the past 3 innings. They better start scoring some effing runs.
  7. I feel the same way. I think most everyone watching the game knows it. Bregman is a great ballplayer.
  8. Lou you're Mexican? How could that never have been brought up before? Do you speak Spanish? No. I'm talking about scoring only 3 runs in an October game against the doyers. F**kin' figure it out.
  9. Doesn't matter how well you perform in the regular season, I'm basing off what I've seen in the NLDS. You don't have time for a cold streak in a 7 game series, so you're saying he will turn it around, well he, and the rest of the Brewers better turn it around quick cause 3 runs in a game ain't going to cut it against the doyers. Well if the Brewers continue playing like they did last night I don't see how it could go any other way. Well they better get it going quick. Once again a useless post by blarg contributing absolute horseshit to the thread. Blarg I think it might be time to go change your diaper.
  10. Brewers need to start hitting the ball, with aggression, if they expect to beat the doyers. None of this defensive -we've got a 1 run lead- half swing bologna.Their big hitters Yelich, Braun, Moustakas, have done absolutely NOTHING to contribute - especially in the clutch. (I've never thought much of Braun or Yelich anyway and their true colors really seem to be showing once there's some actual pressure and legit competition on the other end.) The Brewers are going to need to pack on the runs, especially with the 3 straight in LA, that's going to be tough. Has anyone noticed how good the plate discipline is with the doyers? There's a couple exceptions (machado, puig), but they're really good at laying off the crap. They go up with a plan, wait for a good pitch, and when they get it, they swing hard and don't miss. Also, the crowd at doyer stadium is absolutely raucous. Those folks are pretty much the BOS, NYY fans of baseball past on steroids. Can't deny the doyer players absolutely vibe off that throughout the entire game. It's a pretty intimidating place for the visiting team, especially in the playoffs, especially under pressure. I hate to hand it to them, but honestly the doyers are the best team in the NL. They grind, grind, grind. If you have a lead of 3 or less going into the 9th, you better have a guy that's willing to throw good pitches, not walk anyone, and hope they get themselves out. I have a feeling it's going to be a Astros/doyers WS, and I'm hoping the Brewers can figure it out to knock out the doyers, but I don't think they will. It'll be great to have a repeat matchup, but unfortunately I don't feel like the Astros are as good as they were last year. doyers are the team to beat. Please for the love of god, somebody beat the doyers.
  11. Oh look at that, dumbass Maldonado still can't hit worth shit. A K would have been of more use there.
  12. Dude what the eff? Is Joe West even watching the ballgame? Dumbass literally just watched the ball hit him and was in the direct path of the throw. Why the hell was he standing there? I swear, the more time goes by the more I can't stand these umpires.
  13. Leave it to Maldonado, frickin former halo, to crap the bed behind the plate and be absolutely useless with a bat in his hand.
  14. Dude this freakin' Kelly pitcher and his horses ass delays, and his take forever to read the sign and come set, and delay to the plate while standing on the rubber approach is mind-numbingly unbearable. And I like watching baseball. There needs to be some kind of repercussions against the pitchers for this slower than snail like pace. No wonder some people can't stand watching.
  15. Conventional thinking in baseball is garbage, no reason to not put Sale back out there.
  16. lol Stanton swinging at balls in the dirt, embarrasing. You know, I thought up until this inning, I didn't care who won this game. Then I got to see a couple pan shots of all those obnoxious Stankee fans for about 30 seconds and it reinded me...yeah, F*ck the Stankees. I'd rather the BoSux make it 100%.
  17. Stankees bats have looked like garbage this entire series don't know how they won 100 games. Also good for Ian Kinsler getting on the BoSux, good guy, deserves to be in the playoffs.
  18. Angel Hernandez needs to reevaluate his life with a shotgun. By far the shittiest umpire baseball has ever had.
  19. Why the D-Backs would pitch to Kemp with runners on 2nd and 3rd and only 1 out is a total Scioscia boner move. The organization should be embarrassed.
  20. Cron leaves the Angels then immediately has a 24 HR .250 season. Shocking.
  21. 2-0 top 1st 1 out. Sheesh. I didn't realize the Halos were so far out of it. Sad.
  22. Naw. I love the red. Just haven't gotten the courage to pay $350 for a Trout authentic yet. The red is awesome.
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