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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. 27 HRs beats Halos record 26 HRs by Garret Anderson before the All Star Break. He wood!
  2. Nobody brought up anything about his performance. Thanks.
  3. You want to see a fat slob? Look at CC in last nights Stankees game against Tampa Bay. I can't believe anyone in the Stankee Organization lets him show up to pitch in a Stankee uniform with the way he looked.
  4. Wow, look at how things are developing here. It'd really be a shame if the Halos lost by 1 run because Calhoun would rather hit into the shift than be a team player and bunt to the left side to give the Angels an extra run...
  5. Awwww, nice to know I'm missed for an entire year to wait for that one special day when I show up.
  6. I agree. It's much better to hit right into the shift with a guy on third than bunt to the left side and get a base hit while scoring a run. Great philosophy thanks.
  7. You're wearing an asshat if you don't think this team needs to fundamentally manufacture every single run it has the opportunity to get.
  8. Cool. Does it matter? *whoever* then walks a batter hits a batter...the situation could have been much worse...Get runs when you can! That's how you win ballgames.
  9. Batting .235? BUNT. Don't know what this means. Bunting is the best move in that situation. And Calhoun should learn how to do it. Why are people against using fundamental baseball to win games? So confused.
  10. You know damn well a 4 run lead means nothing to this team with the bullpen we have. Oh look at that, next inning after not getting that run, our bullpen walks a batter then hits a batter. This team, and Calhoun, should be scrapping for every run we can get. Guy on 3rd with a right side shift? No reason not to bunt to the left side for a base hit not to mention an easy run.
  11. It is absolutely absurd, that f**king Calhoun continues to demolish his batting average and this teams chance of winning and scoring runs because he is too stubborn to learn to bunt against the ridiculous shift placed against him in every single at bat. He is not that good of a batter and when is this asshole going to be a team player instead of selfishly continuing to pull into a shift. Ridiculous.
  12. Does anyone think, much like Weaver, that Trout doesn't care about the money and just wants to win and play in a place that he loves?
  13. No way Harper is going to be worth it, no way Machado is going to be worth it. Harper at least tries, Machado is not going to do anything but get hurt then get paid to sit on the bench. These stupid teams paying these players absurd money is mind-numbing. I don't know why they just don't tell them to f**k off, because they're not that good. If I knew I could have a career batting average of .280 and get paid $30 Mill a year, I would have tried a lot harder to be a ballplayer. But being a previous ballplayer, this garbage is just unacceptable. I don't know why the MLB teams are feeding into this crap. Machado lifetime: .282 BA *yawn* WAR: 33.8 --- Trout does this in 3 seasons in what it took him 7 years to do *bagh* Harper lifetime: .279 *burp* WAR: 27.4 -- Trout beats him in 3 years again in his 7 years in the leagues. Absolutely absurd.
  14. America is racist. 1 white guy on a FOX World Series board of 5, and 2 of them barely speak english. We're such jerks!
  15. I bet she loves him for his personality and good looks.
  16. what is that dumb brunette in the red dress doing up there? besides having the ability to spread her legs?
  17. i love your avatar i'm going to miss faces like that but not Scioscia that's for sure
  18. I hope the doyers never win lol price is like 8 feet tall bowtie guy is like 4 feet tall
  19. man seeing puig sad, kershaw blow it, machado end it. I think I might cry. I hate bosox but if they're going to be the only one to keep the doyers from winning...so be it.
  20. lol why doesn't Sale just lob the ball up there to dick with them it's not like they're hitting anyway maybe a couple softballs will let them bring it back to Bawwwwston
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