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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Quick 1-2-3 bottom half of the inning after getting a big lead love to see it! Get those bats back in the Halos hands!
  2. This commentator willed it into existence! Keep O'Neil I love his positivity on the mic!
  3. Ah! So nice to see some clutch hits! Nothing huge just hitting it where they ain't. Time to get Walsh in with a righty on the mound!
  4. Love seeing Rendon hitting against the shift. Great piece of hitting, it'd be great to see him become more of the player we're paying for. And finally a clutch hit by Duffy! Ah! Such a relief!
  5. Lol my 6 year old nephew could have been behind the plate catching and the ump still woulda blown that call.
  6. I blame that run in the bottom half of the 3rd on Suzuki, a veteran catcher interferring with 2 outs and 2 strikes on the batter. Until then Sandoval was cruising. Why is it everytime Suzuki is in the game it seems like our chances to win decline signifigantly?
  7. Talk about throwin a jab and haymaker in 2 at bats to take the late lead and shock the cheatin' asterisks for a WS victory! What a game.
  8. Why do all the commentators (including the guys on ESPN radio) sound like they're rooting for the cheatin' asstros?
  9. I guess nobody cares about watching Rays/Boston...don't blame you, Rays are absolutely shitting the bed. It's almost unwatchable.
  10. Good Stuff. Thank you for sharing. Man these stankees commentators continue to be an absolute disgrace. I can't get myself to pay for ESPN/cable TV. What dumb shit did he say now about this moment? I cannot stand Vasgersian. He seems to care about anything but the actual game going on. Dude needs to just SHUT UP most the time. It is funny to hear how stupid he is though. Whoever pays these dipshits should be fired. I still prefer Rex Hudler.
  11. Nah. Rays will stop them. doyers/Rays again, I'd usually say doyers but if the Rays stay hot...
  12. For an out. He'll pick it up once he gets his timing back in October when the Angels are at home channel flipping through playoff baseball.
  13. Rendon is just a slow starter and needs to get his timing back from the injuries.
  14. Pretty sure this is sarcasm, but I can't wait to see this kind of horse shit continue to come out in serious form from some of the users of this forum in July, August, September when he's still batting .220 and laughing with the umpire and opposing catcher when he comes up to the plate in a game tying situation because "who gives a shit what I do I already got a ring and my checks are coming anyway..." *sorry, computers being funky, thought this didn't get posted the first time*
  15. Rendon with yet another dickfart. Laying another goose egg. Seriously eff this bum.
  16. I'm so sick of these "he's a slow starter" bullshit excuses. The guy is hitting like shit, he's watching pitches he should be hitting, he's swinging at pitches out of the zone, his contact is poor. Consistent at bats my ass, his approach is horrible and I'm not impressed with his defense at 3rd either. He got his ring, he got his green paper, he has an owner who holds nobody accountable for poor performance, so what's the sense of urgency for him to produce? Whoops, poor throw to first, guess we'll try to get that fixed tomorrow. Whoops a bad swing at a pitch out of the zone, we'll get 'em tomorrow is pretty much how his posture reads out on the field. And it's horseshit. Unless his approach changes, I don't expect much from him the rest of the time he's here. And it's a shame because initially I liked his signing.
  17. Dude just got lucky. Don't expect it to happen much more often. He's batting .214 with the Doyers *yawn* they can keep him. Walsh more than makes up for his bullshit.
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