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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I lived there for decades. People want to live there because of the reputation it *had* and what the state holds on to for what it used to be, not for what it's *become*. Financially, not all people want to rent, and flush their money down the toilet instead of owning and building some equity. For the price to OWN property, I don't think it's worth it. To VISIT? Fine, I'll visit. But I'll come back home and enjoy less traffic, less trash, less bums, better roads, more space and more affordable living, and better opportunity for building self worth financially. To each his own, I *kind of* get it, but unless it's San Diego...California lost its desirability for me a very long time ago.
  2. When are you guys/gals going to start having more confidence in this team? Our pitching is better, our defense is better, our bats are better. We can get out of these innings. We can score more runs. I know it's hard to believe but this team has the swag factor they haven't had in a decade. Try giving them the benefit of the doubt every once in awhile, I think with 10 games above .500 so far this season they've deserved that.
  3. I guess I can understand that, not sure my parents will ever leave, but they hit the housing jackpot twice in very good OC neighborhoods. Unless you can afford a house over $1 Mill, OC and LA for me just feels too cramped. Way too many people, absurd traffic.
  4. Lol no. Never. Family is there, know Detroit well. Never been to Comerica, Tigers were in town, always finding something to do with uncle and cousins. Ma and pop moved from Detroit to Cali in the 80's, then had me.
  5. Eh, maybe it takes 30 years of living there to get over it. Maybe it's knowing how great it used to be. I just know when I go back to visit friends and family in SoCal, I can't wait to leave and come back home.
  6. Living in California is horseshit. If you grew up there in 80's, 90's, even early 2000's you realize the coast isn't worth it anymore, and even recently, you don't miss the bum camps or liberals.
  7. Was at Tiger double header on Tues and Andrus was in the dugout threw a ball to everyone sitting behind the dugout except for me. Some people already even had a ball. Eff that guy from now on. I wonder if it was because I was the only guy in Comerica wearing an Angel hat? Either way, eff that guy.
  8. How many times are we going to let that stupid shift screw us before Joe Maddon gives up on it? Maybe with no Runners on, but literally missed out on a double play because of that stupid crap.
  9. Lol I was thinking the exact same thing. What a career before that dumb ass injury. Not scoring with a guy on 3rd with 0 outs with 2-3-4 coming up is beyond assinine.
  10. "Sandoval hasn't let a hit against his change up all season" Next inning, change up base hit. When are these guys gonna shut their goddamn mouths on this crap?
  11. Eh, I feel like Sandoval can find it, he got those 1st inning jitters out. Needs to start throwing strikes and let the A's get themselves out.
  12. I didn't mind them at the games I've been to in Oakland, but I could see them being annoying if I went 5 - 10 times a year. But holly shit they're like a tradition at this point, been hearing them since I ever heard an A's game if I remember correctly... There's nothing for him to be shaken about though lol 2 run lead to start... Glad he got himself out of it. 20+ pitches later, woof...
  13. Angels to Sandoval: Let's make it a quick 1-2-3 bottom of the first to enjoy our 2 run lead to start the game Sandoval: Hold my beer
  14. Anything is better than watching Adell...wondering if he'll biff it, or bobble it, or throw home and have the ball end up half way down the first base line...
  15. THIS is the winning line up and defense (give or take Fletch). No way Halos should lose today with EVERYONE in the game where they should be.
  16. I don't know who hates on them, but the red Unis are legitimately sick as hell. I love them with the white pants. Super sharp.
  17. And a quick 1-2-3 after the run support. Halos get the padded lead and then get quick outs too. They're making it look easy.
  18. Even our pitching is so much better. No nitpicking, throwing strikes. Let them beat you, let them get themselves out.
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