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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Barria giving the Halos what they need, time to have some good at bats, get men on base, score some runs!
  2. So happy to see Marsh out there instead of Adell. Adell would have kicked that off his heel for a triple.
  3. Rendon looks at a pitch down the pipe then whiffs at junk in the dirt, then far off the plate. Yeesh.
  4. I know these guys are sluggers but screw the shifts, Ohtani should bunt down the 3b line until teams move back to where they belong.
  5. For some reason with this team, 7 innings left, a 3 run deficit doesn't feel like much to overcome. Just need some good at bats, I know this team is capable. Will be a good come back game.
  6. I totally dig Valentine's transparency. So humble and he roots for the halos, hard to hate that.
  7. Hard to hate Velasquez with his big D (yes, on purpose), he wants to hit as well as his defense, you can hear it. That double was great.
  8. Hey Lou, where do you live? Not that I give a shit, but please, don't be embarrassed, share it with the board.
  9. Lol 1. You have no idea where I live, and you telling someone how they feel about where they live should honestly, make you feel more embarrassed than anything. If I make it somewhere else and am happy, how is that failure? Or does it make you feel good to call someone a failure cause Cali isn't for them anymore? Lame. Lou, stop being such a vindictive blow hard. It's OK for someone to be happy somewhere besides California. Visits are nice, I'll take a dip in the Pacific twice a year, but I don't need to live there, and it's not missed.
  10. If you live somewhere for decades then leave, I feel like there's some legitimacy to state its deterioration. You knowing where I live and saying it "blows ass" based off what you think means nothing.
  11. Lol "get on" like I just showed up? I've been on this message board since I lived in California. If you enjoy it so much don't get your panties in a bunch, to each his own, but I think I have valid points.
  12. -Agreed, but not for me -- feels like throwing money away. I like to earn equity for what I'm paying, letting housing prices rise and enjoying the gains. -Not hating, I don't think it's very specific, I think my reasons relate to A LOT of people, and lots of high paid family/friends I've know who grew up in Cali and left. -Bums gravitate towards Cali because of moderate weather and lax political policies. Anyway, moving on.
  13. Why is MLB TV showing me Judge and Betts highlights? Can't I watch a Trout or Ohtani homer instead?
  14. Getting a ball to the mask is loud and kinda shocks you but I don't get the falling down. Like, if the ump can't take it maybe he shouldn't be back there?
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