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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Yeah these guys gotta watch their reactions to pitches they're called out on, especially when they overreact and they're wrong they kinda show themselves up. That Wade pitch wasn't even borderline.
  2. I'd say for the most part there's a winner you can pick out at any park. I'd probably stay away from Detroit, and then avoid a Houston broad just for ethical reasons.
  3. Great comeback inning from Ohtani, keep that pitch count down! More runs go go go!
  4. Gubi with a great comment on the Tailor and Tyler and Taylor! See that's exactly what Ohtani needs to do. Trust his stuff!
  5. I feel like Ohtani is trying to be too perfect, he just needs to go up there and rock and roll, let the Rangers get themselves out.
  6. Adding "shaming" behind any word that's deemed negative is a vomitable trend that should die. Let me guess, you use "slut shaming" too even when women are obvious whores.
  7. Atleast there's that top heavy brunette behind the plate to keep us entertained regardless of what happens in this game.
  8. Lol gubie: Trout and Ohtani coming up! They don't give a shit after this horrendous bullpen performance, pack it up, get some rest, try again tomorrow.
  9. That could not have been a more routine ground ball to Marsh. This all started with a routine fly if Rendon was where he typically would play.
  10. Atleast Tepera had the self respect to let the Rangers earn that run instead of giving them a free pass, I guess.
  11. Maddon's gonna let him walk in the winning run. Good god. Dude yanks pitchers that throw outs and leaves in pitchers that walk in runs.
  12. Let's win anyway. Halos ALWAYS have had to overcome the odds. Unwanted stepchildren of the entire MLB.
  13. If you can't tell I'm over this shift bullshit. I don't think there should be a rule against it, but there comes a time where as a manager, you just need to let the infield play where they were meant to be for a reason.
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