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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. JESUS EFFING CHRIST WHAT ARE THESE GUYS LOOKING FOR WITH 2 STRIKES IF THEY'RE NOT SWINGING THE BAT???? I've watched less than 2 innings and have seen 4 K's looking.
  2. Why are we down to Rengifo? Fletcher hurt again? I thought he came back? Wade can't play 2nd because of Ward is hurt? It sucks when we're losing and the best we have to replace them is guys like Rengifo.
  3. *early* I agree Or is it *early* I don't agree Yes, yes, it's *early* I don't agree I think?
  4. Calhoun. Former halos that couldn't get it together with us then screw us later piss me off to no end.
  5. God effing dammit. Let Ohtani finish this inning no matter what. Our guys need to score more runs.
  6. When Trout looks up into nowhere after a bad called strike I just imagine him thinking "Gawd you dipshits don't know what you're doing, I can't wait for computerized balls and strikes..."
  7. I'm so glad to hear someone else likes Langston. He cracks me up with his enthusiasm. And he is usually is very good at describing what he's talking about. I love him with Terry.
  8. I remember those inflatable lightning stix back in 2002, those games alone were SO loud. I watched WS game 7 atleast a couple miles away and we could hear them in the front yard lol. Honestly though that was amazing.
  9. That cowbell game is going to be a shitshow. Why are they even giving those out?
  10. If you're going to miss the "human element" of the game then you haven't been watching terribly umpired baseball for 10 years. So sick of them impacting the outcome of the game.
  11. Haha if you want. I dig all ya'll, just like bullshittin with ya. And you crack me up. Almost 10 years here, times flown by.
  12. *yawn* Just another typical "gotcha" response to a post with pretty logical reasoning.
  13. Seriously what? Oh he didn't hit a homer in 4 or 5 games? Unless he's like 0 for 15, I don't think Trout is ever in a slump...
  14. How did it take GA that long to get so many runs? Trouts done it in what, 8 years? Jesus.
  15. Ohtani is still a bit wild but he's getting calls and getting through the line up efficiently. 3 K's through 3. He should be able to get through at least 6 at this rate. Some run support, taking pitches and manufacturing runs would be great.
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