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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I don't understand what you guys get so up in arms about protecting. I mean dear lord how dare someone have a different opinion on this website.
  2. Is this really the type of bullshit semantic commentary you want to provide around here? I mean these gotcha-type amateur comments are beneath you. Do better, Lou.
  3. I... I don't even know what this means... Tell someone to cut it out but you want to instigate with uneccesary stupid comments like this...
  4. Lorenzen could have done that but won't bitch about another arm doing it either. All I care about is the W even if Rengifo does it LOL
  5. Lorenzen could have done that but won't bitch about another arm doing it either. All I care about is the W even if Rengifo does it LOL
  6. How many games has Wallach been in? Suzuki? Bet Wallach's POP time beats Suzuki. Bet Wallach will have a better OPS/WAR over Suzuki in 5 years. Just watch the guy. He knows baseball so well. You can see it.
  7. Lorenzen should still be out there dgaf don't let someone else give this game away. Premature pulls drive me bonkers.
  8. With every team they're gonna have their ups and downs but this is a pretty entertaining team to watch when they can make contact and we got good pitching going on.
  9. Take all the way with a meatball batting practice baseball down the pipe. Yeah, he got the walk for the run but that is absurd. I would never just give the pitcher that strike. That shit is getting roped.
  10. If this team wins on a Rengifo home run first of all I should be thanked for my vitriol and second I will ban myself for a week because he will go 0-fer the next 7 days in clutch situations. Meanwhile Wallach will blow up offensively and I won't be around to say "I told you so."
  11. Hey Marsh, I *think* you have a bat in your hand. Maybe use it if you're playing baseball in a baseball game in the batters box in an MLB game? I mean I dunno, maybe Strad disagrees.
  12. Big fan of Lorenzen and his biceps and thighs these Halos need to give him some runs, need some good at bats. I'm sure Rengifo "top 3 in the team sub .275 BA in 11 games" will come through.
  13. And I root for a catcher that looks remarkable at bat despite his success in numbers and has a no hitter behind the plate and throws bullets to bases like I haven't seen in decades and you act like I don't want all of these guys to be succesful. I don't understand the constant attacks.
  14. Ok lou you and strad can root for Rengifo while I root for Wallach and admire Lorenzens biceps.
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