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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. If absolutely no options I'd rather take an automatic out in the line up and have a 2 man outfield instead of ever watching Adell again. Atleast then he'd do less damage than actually playing.
  2. Duffy doesn't look like he knows what to do with a baseball bat in his hands. He doesn't look like he knows what he's doing on a baseball field. He really doesn't even look like a ballplayer. Basketball maybe?
  3. I still don't understand why they haven't designed outfield walls to have some "give" to avoid injuries like this. Kinda like Nascar did with their walls once Dale Earhardt's crash. Basically the players are running into a concrete wall with a couple inches of padding. Wallach will be the best hitting Angel catcher since Benji Molina, he just needs to catch a couple breaks, he has great pitch selection and hits the ball hard. Not to mention he's got a rocket for an arm and a great glove (cough, no hitter).
  4. I hate Andrus so screw him but when are these douchebags going to learn to keep the tag on the runners???
  5. Doy. Makes sense. My bad. I'm watching the A's feed did the halos interview some retards or something?
  6. Only at 73 pitches with 1 out in the 7th I think it's alright to finish this inning.
  7. Was that a 45 second bottom half of the inning? Got up to grab a drink I get back and Ohtanis grounding out to end the inning sheesh.
  8. Might be a slight emotional overreaction but sure I guess if that's how ya feel alright, I could see someone feeling that way, to each their own.
  9. I love seeing the Dodgers lose. Reminds me of Seager(?) letting the ball through his legs in the playoffs last year.
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