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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Something something Trout continues to do his job something something get this mfer a ring.
  2. Not that it's going to make any difference but 2 years as catcher in University College. An experienced catcher will tell you to put your chin down on a ball in the dirt. Let the mask do its work. But when you're a beginner it's not easy to do because your instinct reaction is to turn your head or pull your head back. Instinct is to hide from the ball, not fall into it. And most of the time you learn the hard way by getting clocked in the ear by turning your head or getting clocked by a ball to the chin or throat when you look up.
  3. I never critiqued him, I said he lifted his chin on a ball in the dirt, and as a former catcher you know that is the wrong thing to do because it'll clonk you, and that is exactly what happened. Jesus, calm down. I would never hope any player to get hurt.
  4. Stop directing your frustrations toward me. I'm not being insensitive, I'd never want a player to get hurt, I'm literally saying what we all saw.
  5. It looked very bad. He was falling over in the dugout like he couldn't even hold his own weight and then they cut away. Seems like a concussion.
  6. Oh excuse me, nobody on here knows anything else was at play at the time, still nobody has conclusive evidence anything else is at play, and all we see is him get hit in the chin with a practice pitch, but I'M supposed to know? Unreal.
  7. As a catcher, if the ball hits the dirt, you drop your chin and let the mask do its job. You learn that real quick and if you don't you'll get clonked like Suzuki did real quick.
  8. I don't understand why Suzuki lifted his head on a pitch in the dirt. Looks like the ball got his chin under the mask. Textbook fail on part of a veteran catcher.
  9. Holy crap I heard that too and was like "we have a catcher named Santiago?" what the hell...
  10. Honestly mad props to Velasquez for getting his butt over there and giving the GIDP a shot.
  11. Once again, in an eyesore of a team, Trout continues to do his job. 2 outs 2 on why do I feel like this will be a wasted opportunity.
  12. 21 pitches with 1 out. Is it too much to ask for a clean 1-2-3 defensive first inning from time to time?
  13. Sorry I don't know the period verbage, Strad should ask Rendon, apparently they're buddies.
  14. Rendon's knees hurt, Rendon's wrist is inflamed, Rendons vagina is sore, Rendon is shitting his pants because of bad thai food...where does this garbage end? Get in the lineup and continue to barely earn your check, you pussy.
  15. That's because you don't know anything about how good hitters look. Rengifo will be gone soon like Wood, McPherson, Adell or any other buttplug "prospect" you've rooted for.
  16. "Let's swing at ball 4 to end the game and not let the top of the line up get to bat..." Solid strategy.
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