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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Following your logic look what we get. Yes, 70-75% of the time batters get out by swinging at strikes. You know what a batting average is? Look at our team? You honestly want to use our team as a barometer for the league? Please.
  2. Hahahahahaha Jesus christ what is wrong with these guys At this point it's like they literally don't want to win a ballgame
  3. And how do they get batters out? By throwing balls? Walking batters? Thanks for your useful input Loo.
  4. What the F**K is Ortega doing? He hasn't screwed up this inning enough, he decides to get in the way of someone who knows how to not screw things up?
  5. Their entire job is to throw strikes. They are paid to throw strikes. Imagine if besides having a 40 hour work week all someone did was show up to a ballpark and throw a baseball. But then they can't throw strikes when they are asked to do their job. So infuriating.
  6. What in the actual hell were they reviewing there? Who OK's these things because obviously they aren't doing their job.
  7. If these pitchers can't go back to back days when we need them then let them go and find someone who will. Shits not gonna fly if we ever want to make the playoffs. "oh...I'd love to win the World Series, but I just got my nails done, and the manicurist said they shouldn't be in the sun more than three times a week..." Is anyone in this organization sick of these excuses? Does this organization want to win ballgames?
  8. Ah, I get what you're saying. Like, if say with the bases loaded dumbass Velasquez actually hit the ball decently and it went to shortstop, but instead of throwing to a base, he went in to tag the runner going from 2nd to 3rd. But the runner passed the plate before they tagged the runner. I still feel like no run score because it was a runner in "force out."
  9. Also correct. In this case however Strad was referring to the dumbass Velasquez with the terrible at bat who was going from the batters box (home plate) to first base and it threw some of us off. The runner from home is an automatic forced runner, if he is the 3rd out no runs score, regardless if you tag him or throw to 1st base.
  10. Yeah the runner from home to 1st base is a special circumstance from all other runners. Tagged or thrown out, it's a "forced out" regardless if they tag him or throw to 1st.
  11. I think Javier Baez had a situation like this where he ran back and forth between 1st base and home plate and the run scored and everyone was wondering why didn't they just throw to 1st base?
  12. Not a dumb question great point. Would have to look at the rule book for that because maybe a tag between home and 1st is no longer a force out, which means the run should count.
  13. Trouts home run gave me some faith, as usual. Dude does nothing wrong. Earns his pay. As soon as that sonofabitch Bearclaw gave up a 4 pitch walk to start the next inning it all got drained. It became vintage Angels baseball of the past 15 years.
  14. It's amazing to hear the amount of respect these Blue Jays announcers have for Mike Trout. Even they sound excited to watch him bat.
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