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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Can we PLEASE hit the bottom half of the fucking ball for christs sake.
  2. The one with the stink lines constantly following him around?
  3. Best we could do was a gift HBP. Thanks for showing up guys.
  4. Welp, looks like Suzuki's doing his best Max Stassi impression from last night. That was a strike the second it left the pitchers hand.
  5. Detmers has that long lost stare going on. Let me guess, the shift was on and the opposing team beat it again...
  6. How can Yadi throw a strike to second base on his knees and Suzuki can't even manage to throw the ball anywhere near the bag.
  7. Duff'd again. And that was the BEST part of our line up. *shakes head*
  8. What is Ohtani waiting for? Why is he shaking his head? That was an obvious strike 3.
  9. Probably batting Duffy 4th to break up the suckage with Walsh in the 5 spot. Swap Duffy and Walsh you have an ugly 5-9. With the amount of money Arte pays to put a team on the field, I can't believe this is the best we got.
  10. Important to point out K's aren't the net negative they once were for SOME teams, because offensively they make up for the K's in other ways. I'm fine with 10 K's a night if it means we're getting timely hits when we need them and score runs. *cough* last night *cough* But we're not. A team like the Braves makes up for their high number of strikeouts with good at bats and decent contact in clutch situations that produces runs and wins. Besides the first 6 weeks of the season, the Angels don't currently make up for their high number of strikeouts. They're usually combined with poor fundamental approaches and lousy contact. Thus 8 shutouts this year. So for a team like the Braves K's might not be a big deal because their offense recoups the net negative with other offensive positives. Right now the Angels do not and the high K's combined with their other slumping offensive numbers mean that something is seriously wrong. If you've been an Angel fan for the past decade you know it has been this way for a while (minus small stints of success), thus the losing seasons, and lack of playoff appearances. I agree with the newbie our offense is baffling, but I don't know how much a batting coach has to do with situational hitting and approach at the plate. We watch strikes and swing at balls, or in Stassi's case go up there and do absolutely nothing.
  11. I would rather keep Velazquez over all 3 of those guys because, besides his bat, he plays better defense than all of them. And I don't usually stick up for guys who's only plus side is their defense, but he is really really good out there and he doesn't make boneheaded mistakes either. It's not like Suzuki (.203) Wade (.211) Rengifo (.226) or Lagares (.222) are killing the ball either.
  12. What has Rendon done since he put on an Angel uniform that leads you to believe this is ever going to happen? He hasn't ever come back strong, he comes back hobbling. Of course I want the guy to play well, I want to see him play more, I want him to help us win. But from what I've seen since he signed with us he is not the player he once was, and I don't see it getting any better in the future with how absurdly fragile he's become.
  13. I'm not singling you out, but I'm not sure what anyone has seen from Rendon the past 3 years that leads them to believe this is possible. Guy has been a constant question mark when it comes to consistency, look at these injuries: 2020: Oblique 2021: Left Groin 2021: Knee 2021: Triceps 2021: Hip 2022: Wrist This latest wrist issue is just another feather in his cap, and it's not going to go away which means he's prone to be out of the lineup anytime he "aggravates" it, which could happen basically anytime he plays. We'll be lucky if he ever has a 100 game season with us. I don't see him getting better. For what he's been paid and what he's going to be paid? BUST!
  14. It feels like Rendon muscled through injury with the Nationals to get a ring during his free-agency year, then got a memo from former Halo busts that he could come here for a big paycheck and be treated like a baby.
  15. I'd prefer Chad Wallach. Not sure why they ever sent him down. Didn't have a lot off success but he hit the shit out of the ball.
  16. Runners on 2nd & 3rd 1 out. All we needed was someone to make contact. Any contact. We could not have been in a better situation there to atleast score a run. Ridiculous.
  17. Umpire ruined Walsh's entire at-bat with that terrible strike two call.
  18. Nope he drops it. Can't remember the last time I saw him hold onto a ball for a play at the plate.
  19. Legares, Suzuki, Wade, a predictable black hole at the bottom of our lineup.
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