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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. People who bitch and moan about food delivery prices can screw. I love Big Boy. I go there every time I visit Michigan, and I don't recall paper straws with their shakes...however I prefer spoonin it. It's just better that way. Just because everyone is wondering, yes, I get strawberry.
  2. Well there goes our chances of winning a game at Doyer stadium this weekend. We're gonna get shelled.
  3. Can't blame him. Or argue with our reputation that is now going on 10+ years. If you want to win, why would you risk playing on the Halos who "might" get it together in 3-5 years?
  4. Goobie, don't defend that horseshit play out in right for Adell. That was not a difficult play, Adell biffed it. Bottom line that ball needs to be stopped.
  5. Didn't the Angels broadcast used to have the batter and pitcher info above the score? Or am I thinking of other broadcasts? There's no pitch count or batter stats showing.
  6. But...but...according to @Stradling and the 6 games he cherry-picked, you're wrong.
  7. From what I've seen over the past couple years of watching him, it's becoming pretty obvious that he's a head case. We all know how much baseball is a mental game, and either he's not getting enough individual mentoring, or what mentoring he's getting is not making an impact. It seems like he is always pushing way to hard to contribute, and when he finds himself in the middle of high leverage situations, his baseball IQ drops. The boneheaded mistakes on the base paths are part of it, and now he's back to swinging terribly like he did in the past when he was struggling. He has the power, he has the physical ability. He just needs to go up there with the mentality that he's only going to swing at strikes. And he doesn't need to swing hard, we've seen plenty of amazing power from him, even home runs, when he just takes a nice easy swing and makes good contact with the ball. I can't believe over the course of time that we've had him, nobody's been able to connect with him eye to eye to get his head game under control, because I really think it's that more than anything.
  8. I have the DVD's somehow and tried to watch Rings at least 2 or 3 times, each time I've gotten bored and find myself looking for something else to do, or I fall asleep in the first 15 minutes. I've seen 20 minute increments at the gym in the cardio theater, and don't get what the big deal is. I've gone this long now not seeing it, so I decided recently that it's on my list of movies I'm going to refuse to ever see. Same with Game of Thrones, hard pass. Rings is way too long and drawn out, and definitely for dweebs.
  9. The dude is literally, single-handedly costing us games. It would be one thing if it was 2 or 3 runs, but usually what happens is the opposition puts up a big crooked number that takes us out of the game. Not that it really matters at this point, but the number of opportunities he's been given and the lack of improvement is disappointing, to say the least.
  10. Exactly why he should stay in the 7-slot. That would never happen with him in leadoff.
  11. I can't believe this guy still gets to put on a Halo uniform. Qualifications: Can throw a baseball.
  12. It might annoy people because it's not typical, but I absolutely love the Ron visits to the mound.
  13. Agreed. Apparently, man in charge does not agree. Why don't we look at his overall numbers in leadoff instead of a selected small sample size? He does not belong in leadoff.
  14. Looked her up cause I had no idea who she was, and she looks good there, but that is the best picture I've seen of her. So that's a no for me, dawg.
  15. First that shitty ice, and now the straws? What the hell is happening to In N Out? Haven't been in months, but I'd pretty much guarantee this is not happening at the AZ locations.
  16. Point to us on the dollie where the back-in total-douchebag touched you, cals.
  17. Same here. Broken record, and something that will never happen: If the players REALLY want to fix the ball/strike problem without automated systems, at some point a pitcher, when he throws an obvious ball that is called a strike for an out, will need to have the nuts to tell the ump "No dummy, that was a ball...put the batter back in the box, he gets another pitch" or vice versa a batter when the ump calls a strike ball 4, will need to say "No stupid, that was a strike...I'm not taking a free base, give the pitcher back the ball, he gets another pitch." Because until that happens, I'm sick and tired of the bitching and moaning about calls only when it doesn't go their way. If you want the problem to be fixed, it has to go both ways. This whole "that was the wrong call, but we'll take it!" is the worst attitude they can have if they were REALLY concerned about fixing the problem.
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