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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. He has no reason to be anywhere near the top 6 of the batting line up. Honestly he doesn't belong in the line up at all but we're limping at this point.
  2. Lol I never saw it before that surfboard is ridiculous! What a pain in the ass haha Well he's in Miami now isn't he?
  3. After some of you doubted Trout and bitched and moaned about his 0-4 day game, Trout single-handedly won the past 3 games with his bat. I'd like to thank you for the bitching moaning.
  4. If you give me the choice between Rolling Rock and Miller Lite, it'll be Rolling Rock every time. It's cheaper too.
  5. So sick of these weak groundouts to the infielders by our bats. I don't see any team do it nearly as much as our guys do.
  6. Gubi dying laughing at MacKinnon and Thor is killing me right now, he can't stop laughing.
  7. Could they NOT find a better representation of Angels fans in the stands????
  8. As long as Ohtani keeps trying to pull everything that's thrown to him, he's going to keep having at bats like that.
  9. Gotta be honest I'm pretty happy with his performance, he got himself out of some tight situations and has really given this struggling offense an opportunity to win.
  10. Doubt he'll go to KC but that doesn't matter for me, I'll be listening to Rex. I don't care much for O'Neal either, but I've listened to Reynolds before and usually get sick of him never shutting up, and I don't care much for what he says. But if you like him more power to you, everyone has their preferences.
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