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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Not the same article but pretty sure this says about the same thing, and it's not paywalled: https://www.audacy.com/national/sports/players-compare-extended-spring-training-to-hunger-games “When we look at the demographics of the players on extended spring training rosters, whether that be racial, educational or otherwise, it’s clear that MLB teams are taking advantage of a particularly precariously positioned group of players by not paying extended spring training salaries, and that is very problematic,” said Marino, horrified at MLB’s treatment of Latin players, many of whom barely speak English. “There’s absolutely no excuse for these five teams to continue to refuse to pay their lowest-paid employees for months of work.” I think we should give MLB and its owners a break, after all they support BLM, amirite?
  2. I've heard the "like you're doing now" is a Rainn Wilson line, along with a lot of the same mannerisms repeated here...
  3. Are you talking about Darin Erstad? Darin Erstad lifetime with the Angels: BA .291 (1505 hits /5163 AB's) for a average .735 OPS with a successful stolen base percentage of 76.9% (170 SB/ 221 Attempts), not to mention a lifetime field percentage of .996. Angels would absolutely KILL to have a guy like him in the lineup these days.
  4. Last time Detmers started against los doyers and the pitching coach went out to talk to him he had this long lost stare with glazed over eyes looking like "Please get me out of here..."
  5. He hits almost as well against lefties as he does against righties. At least it's not big enough a difference to pull his bat out of the line up for MacKinnon who has yet to have a hit. But I suppose with a lefty on the mound they wanna give MacKinnon some at bats.
  6. Yeah, nevermind. I was thinking of the Seattle no hitter when the pitcher didn't jump for the ball and they ruled it a hit. Too many no hitters recently...
  7. Are you talking about this? Cause if so, I'm not following...
  8. But then he wouldn't get this sweet sweet 20 Year Anniversary World Championship swag...
  9. This is what I struggle most with when it comes to bullpen management. Not to keep ringing that bell but pulling Iglesias last night after throwing 10 pitches for a 1-2-3 inning with a ghost runner on 2nd base was bologna. He obviously had a feel last night, get him out there again in the 11th to keep us in the game while he's got it going. A relief pitcher starts the inning getting 2 strikeouts, but here comes the manager to bring in a lefty for the lefty batter, except the pitcher with 2 K's is obviously in a groove and should be given the privilege of finishing that inning. Not to backtrack too much but when I think of 2002, Scioscia didn't just replace players during the game because the "equation" said to do it, he replaced them because it made sense, and they were the right guy for the job at that moment. Of course he got away from that in his later years, and we saw the results.
  10. I don't think this is really what people think, but during a GDT it definitely comes off sometimes from some people because they're pissed when Trout doesn't come through in clutch situations. They tend to forget the fact that most times he does come through, or he's the reason we're winning or even scored some runs. It has to do with coming to an understanding that no matter how good he is, he can't be the hero every time, it's just not possible. No.
  11. Taylor Ward has already commented that he has not played 3rd base in years and would not be comfortable playing there. He says he enjoys the outfield and is comfortable out there, so the outfield is where he will stay. Rendon really screwed us royally. Again.
  12. Hey Jeff, I hope these are somewhat quantifiable, thanks for the homework assignment! -Performance at the plate with RISP. Either we don't advance the runner with a sac fly or we can't get a clutch hit. Seems like way too often we have guys on 2nd or 3rd with nobody out, or one out, and they don't score. -Once we get past Ward, Trout, Ohtani, Walsh in the line up, batting averages and situational hitting drop off so even if the top of the lineup gets on base, there's nobody to drive them in. An inning with our 5-9 guys is 3 quick outs. -Whiff/Watching Strikes rate. We seem to swing and miss or foul off strikes that should be put into play. Or we just watch them. -Bad contact, way too many soft grounders to infielders. We need to be DRIVING the ball, not hitting lazy grounders. -Watching strikes right down the pipe, then swinging at balls for weak contact/easy outs. -Our pitchers give up hits with 2 strikes when they need a put out pitch. -Pitchers give up bases with walks instead of challenging the hitters. Walks will kill you. They need to let the batters get themselves out. -Our caught stealing from our catchers is a combined 19.6% (10 caught / 51 attempts) which just gives up free bases. -Poor in game decisions from coaching: Yanking a reliever who just struck out 2 batters for a match up. Pinch hitting Legares for Marsh in the 6th, who ends up going up to the plate 3 more times during the game and is 0 for 3. I think that's good for now.
  13. Boy do I miss those "Anaheim" jerseys. This one definitely gets to me.
  14. So he was due to give up runs. The problem Strad is you pull out stats to support in game decisions that don't work out, so using your logic we've had a decade of Angels failure. There's things that go beyond just pulling stats out to make decisions, and by following what you think was "right" we have exactly what played out last night. But hey, at least you have those stats as a scapegoat. Iglesias may not always have it "on" but he definitely had his mojo going last night with his 1-2-3 10th. He only threw 10 pitches, the runner on 2nd didn't even move, and he should have undoubtedly had the opportunity to keep that momentum and follow through to the 11th to keep the Angels in the game.
  15. This is why it made NO SENSE to not send Iglesias out there for a second inning of pitching in the 11th after we tied the game in the 9th and he only threw 10 pitches for 3 outs in the 10th, in which none of the Royals got the ball past the pitchers mound. This FELT like a "must win" game, ESPECIALLY after Ohtani's 2nd 3-run moon-shot to tie it in the 9th. And in a "must win" game you have got to put the best of what you got out there to hold the lead. You've got to. Iglesias was the best of what we had in that situation. As soon as we saw Quijada on the mound everyone on this board had a collective moan, we wondered why the hell Iglesias wasn't out there, and we all knew what was inevitably going to happen. This game was literally lost by a shitty call to the bullpen when we didn't need it. There was no reason. If I were a player in that clubhouse I would be absolutely livid. Flush a huge moral victory and offensive pick-me up down the toilet because some asshole won't throw a closer out there for more than 10 pitches. So very disappointing.
  16. Well, at least Quijada got done what we knew would happen quickly. Ridiculous Iglesias was not put out there.
  17. WHY is Iglesias not out there? 10 pitches is all he can go? Such bullshit.
  18. I agree. Not enough situational bunting on this team. Instead we got a guy that does it randomly when it rarely makes sense.
  19. Just absolutely terrible pitch selection from Wade. Watched a perfectly hittable first strike then swings at 2 balls out of the zone.
  20. Come on Wade. Base hit. All we need is a base hit.
  21. Probably explains Duffy's high OBP with runners on...
  22. Oh god anyone but him why Legares why frickin .200 BA why
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