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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Sure looks a lot closer than anything Wantz did to get called on it the other night, that's for sure.
  2. Well, atleast Upton is up. This at least gives us a chance to get out of it.
  4. Why do they show Loups spectacular stats from last year when he was on another team? Just to rub it in our faces that the Angels are great at picking players that used to be good but aren't good anymore?
  5. If it weren't for Trout and Ohtani I'd be in your boat. Even with Trout and Ohtani, I'm getting awfully close.
  6. Well there is a mark on the helmet, I don't see how nobody on the field pointed this out.
  7. I'm not arguing for the umpires at all because 99% of them blow, but I was under the impression that New York had camera angles that they view that are different and/or aren't available to the telecast? So they can actually see plays in different angles than the ones they show on TV. However they blow replay calls all the time anyway so who knows. Someone brought up a scuff mark on his helmet, I didn't see that but can always go back and look.
  8. I think Walsh thinks it hit his helmet but from the centerfield view it sure doesn't look like it.
  9. Trout being Trout, *yawn* That line drive was like 15 feet above the ground and kept rising even when it got to mid-center field lol
  10. Good thing we're not paying Bradley a ton of money to come in for relief... ...oh wait.
  11. I think that asian lady in the front row left field missed the homer ball and got plunked in the face.
  12. Duffy should have just done us and the team a favor and struck out.
  13. Blarg, do you have an issue with reading comprehension? Who said they were? Seeing as how the Anaheim jerseys were greys for away games...no shit.
  14. I think we can all agree these players deserve to get more than they're currently receiving. I don't know how much these guys should be getting paid because I don't know how much time they're actually working and/or training, but I feel like at least $100/day or $20/hr would be a fair wage. And I don't think that's asking too much from the owners for players that will potentially be moving up through the system for an organization. Reading stuff like this article makes me sick. That being said, I have been between jobs before living on a budget and there are ways to get by but you have to make some sacrifices. Rice, beans, tortillas, cheese, meat. Maybe cheap fast food but rarely. Good bye soda, hello water. Even today, Sam's club has a 2 pound pack of variety cheese for $10, and 36oz of charcuterie meat for $12 that could probably last me a week if need be. Even now having a job and plenty of money, I would be damned to flush $20-$25 down the toilet for a meal from stupid UberEats or DoorDash and I don't have any sympathy for anyone that does. The entitlement on display when people bitch and moan about how much it costs is baffling. Go get your food on your own like a freaking adult.
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