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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. He's the best baseball player in recent history and he knows he's stuck with an organization that doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground and he will probably never see the playoffs or win a ring until he leaves.
  2. This team is affecting Trout. It's impossible not to see the expressions on his face. It's demoralizing. Sure, he'd go through some slumps no matter what. But this would not happen the same way if he was on say the Astros or the Dodgers. It's affecting Ohtani too, and if I were him I'd get as far away from this organization as possible.
  3. Remarkable how we've been bitching about this stuff going on 8 years now and really nothing has changed. First time I've said it but Arte needs to sell the team, we need someone who knows how to win ballgames without flushing money down the toilet.
  4. Knowing GMJ the way we got to with his Halo uniform on, he stabbed with his glove and got lucky.
  5. He had a rough game, it happens, I like the cut of his job. He's a grinder, passionate about being succesful, the kinda guy you wanna give the ball to every 5 games.
  6. Angels have to do something about what's happening, and this is definitely something.
  7. We wouldn't need computerized balls and strikes if the players held the umpires accountable regardless if it was in their favor or not. I expect to get a lot of shit for this but this is how I feel about it. You can't bitch and moan about strikes called against you and then be perfectly fine with getting a called strike that is nowhere near the zone. If the players really cared, at some point when a pitcher get a called strike that is nowhere near the zone they need to say "no blue, that's a ball, I'm not taking that strike. Get that batter back in the box and I'll get them out with the real strike, not some bullshit assistance from a blind umpire." Because until everybody holds each other accountable for what's actually happening with these calls nothing's going to change.
  8. Their approach is terrible. Screw the count, screw the situation, the batters must go up there with the mentality that they are going up there to swing at the best pitch they get. They don't do that, they watch strikes then swing at junk. Add to that what baffles me is how many times they swing through pitches right down the pipe and you see the results.
  9. Typical Angels making any old pitcher look like a Cy Young contender. This team is embarrassing.
  10. Glad I'm not able to watch this one. We might get one out of this series but I'd expect a sweep.
  11. If a catcher has to "frame" a pitch, obviously the pitch is not a strike. So anytime a catcher moves his glove after catching a pitch, it should be an automatic ball. The framing shit is beyond stupid. They're not fooling anyone.
  12. Something is wrong with us developing talent. Almost nobody we bring up performs. They've had 8 years now since our last playoff appearance, and that should have been plenty of time for us "cycle through" a generation of players and to rebuild and turn it around, but we have not seen any improvement. If anything, it's gotten worse. Somebody doesn't know how to do their job growing our young talent to bring them up to the MLB level. Or somebody who is selecting talent doesn't know what talent is. I feel like if we were to do the same thing we've already talked about 5 years ago regarding these problems, and marked today June 30th 2022 as the start date to "give them a couple years for a rebuild" I'm not confident we wouldn't be in the same situation we are now. Not picking on your post or towards you Jeff, just remarking on the situation in general. It's becoming unbearably frustrating and the only thing I can think is that there's somebody somewhere (or maybe it's a multitude of people) in our development team that has been doing their job wrong for way too long.
  13. Let's see his line in July. He has been a reliable out at the plate for too long to give him a pass because he had a good week.
  14. Garret Anderson on Angels Live looking like "Why the hell did I agree to come on this shit..."
  15. Bottom of the 9th and we get 2 strikeouts and 2 weakly hit balls that don't even leave the infield. Worst ballgame I've seen in a while.
  16. Another prospect brought up that looks like he has no clue up there how to hit a baseball.
  17. Can't blame Trout for being fed up. He signed with the understanding that this franchise would put a winning team together and he is being absolutely wasted because we don't have pitching. And then the fact that he has to be the one pointing that out is downright embarrassing. If I were him I wouldn't have any. Get out while you can.
  18. Crazy to think about it but on my end the past 10 years have flown by, but I've been watching the team pretty consistently during that time and at some point you would think things like this would improve, but it's literally been shit for those 10 years and it really makes you question the decisions of the guys picking these arms and also deciding to move them up.
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