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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. LOL he was wrong saying the run scored, then he was wrong saying the force out was at 3rd...what the hell is wrong with this guy. Once again, bases juiced and we can't get a ball past the effing pitcher...
  2. How about they all just wear this hat until the team makes it to the playoffs? Don't see how they're worthy to sport an A on their caps right now.
  3. Could be +10 runs for LAA and they'd still manage to lose the game...
  4. Happy 4th of July!!! I will be eating some wieners, drinking some whiskey, lighting off morters. Yes probably in that order.
  5. I don't understand why these assholes can't just hit the fucking baseball. It's all they're paid to do. It's embarrassing.
  6. That Ward tag out at first by Maldonado was absolutely embarrassing. If that doesn't tell you about the complete incompetency of this organization as a whole, nothing will.
  7. Lol sentence structure? That's your angle? This is a joke, right? Back to flippin burgers Strad, it's what your best at...meanwhile, who wants to watch me hit some dingers? I'll take that animal style, to go please...
  8. Hey m0nkey, I'm about sick of your bulldog mouth overloading your puppy dog ass. You do nothing but shit on this team and off load garbage to people who contribute. We do not need you around here.
  9. Gross. She's a dirty ho. Even if she paid me I'd still say no. You're not quite bright when you post long sentences. No wonder you usually keep it short.
  10. All he's paid to do is to hit baseballs and catch baseballs. He does it at least 40+ hours a week. And he's done it for a decade. Watch and hit a baseball. Anywhere. Doesn't need to be a home run, put it in play. I get paid well for what I do, I've done it for half a decade, and I could do it in my sleep. He's quite good at one thing, how he is so bad at the other really is perplexing.
  11. This post just cheered me the hell up. "Just don't panic" I dig the positive vibes. Rooting for Nevin as manager sealed the deal. He's a wildcard, probably unqualified but shit let's try it, he's the kinda guy this team needs. And you're absolutely correct, Arte will pay to keep Ohtani. Who are we kidding? Angels just need to figure out the other 7 positions. It can't be that hard. Not like it's never happened before. I think it has?
  12. If this team was hitting mistakes consistently we'd be in so much better shape. I see mistakes at least once an at bat and these guys watch them. Or foul them off. Or whiff. The hitting strategy needs to be engrained: be ready to swing at the best pitch you're going to get regardless of the count or the situation. And hit it with confidence. Drop this defensive don't know what's coming BS we all see way too often. When you go up there swinging at the best pitch you get, good things will come. Period.
  13. Shocking: no answer from the tough lipped schmucks once the truth shows up.
  14. Adell should be traded and never show up in an Angel uniform again.
  15. If someone would have told me when I was 20 years old that you only need to hit .167 to be a Major League Ballplayer I would have tried a hell of a lot harder to go pro. And I can tell you one thing there's no way I'd hit under .200
  16. The only reason I bring up the tip pitching is because it's a symptom of bigger problems. It's emblematic of other issues in the organization that Trout is obviously aware of. It's painful to see. These are things he shouldn't even be responsible for pointing out. I know Trout will get out of this, that's just the guy he is. But at this point, in this season, I'm not going to pile on him for his performance. I think the reality of his situation is setting in, and it is downright painful to watch. I can't even imagine what it takes to put on a Halos uniform and walk out to center field in Houston knowing their organization is tiers above who he's playing for. He will never play the victim card but you can only put the weight of an organization on your back for so long until you start wondering if anybody has a clue what they're doing.
  17. I can't. It's bad. I can't stop saying it, someone needs to tell these guys to go up there and hit your pitch. Screw the count. Stop taking strikes down the pipe. Be ready to swing. Hit the best pitch you get. Do you not understand the situation Trout is in? He's locked in on a team with so much dysfunction he has to tell a pitcher on his own that he's tipping pitches. I'm not a sympathizer in a lot of ways but goddamn, the guy is literally a unicorn with nothing under him for support. The franchise has to be weighing on his shoulders. Atleast I would feel that way if I was him. Sure I hit a home run twice in a game but we're down 8 runs. Jesus Strad, time to look a gift horse in the mouth.
  18. Nice. Gross. I hope to god Fletch comes back guns blazing.
  19. Can't win when you have arms that constantly give up free bases that manufacture runs.
  20. I don't think so. He's only human. I love the guy, he is my absolute favorite ballplayer ever. But I get to turn off the TV and forget about Angels baseball. Trout doesn't. This is his life, this is his career. He doesn't get to turn it off and forget about it. Over the course of 8 years eventually it's going to wear on you when you don't see the playoffs or have a chance to be competitive.
  21. I have the choice to watch a ballclub and go through the ups and downs for my entire life, that is not something a baseball career offers if you want to win. The state of the team and the aura surrounding it most definitely affects your performance. Trout knows more than any of us the trouble this team is in, the incompetence of the management. When you have to tell your own pitcher that he's tipping pitches because nobody else sees it even though that's their only job it's one of many things that eventually wears on you. Even if Aaron Judge were offered a huge contract to come here I wouldn't if I were him because it means you're not going to win.
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