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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. lol 1st and 3rd nobody out and these bums are whiffing at pitches off the plate over a foot away from their bats, while Adell watches a pitch down the pipe for strike 3 to put the cherry on top.
  2. We finally get lucky with a relief pitcher becoming a decent consistent starter and the first thing some of you want to discuss is getting rid of him, I mean jesus christ do some of you read what you're writing? We need *something* of a foundation to build off if this team ever expects to get back into contention in the next couple years.
  3. What are you waiting for? It's a blast! Fun to ride Bolsa/Huntington/Newport in board shorts, then go take a dip in the water when you get hot. And vice/versa. I get on the ice and it's practically identical. The only thing I've struggled with on the ice is the quick stop where you turn your skates 90 degrees and lean. Have no problem doing that with skates on the concrete, but it's been a bitch to learn on the ice. I've been practicing at the local ice rink for public sessions every couple weeks, but man, I'm getting sick of falling on my ass (and getting laughed at by the kids)!
  4. I'm a rollerblader (yes, I've heard it all before). Used to do vert & street stuff, spend my allowance at Vans skate park on Friday nights...but no more trick stuff, I don't want to get hurt. But it's still fun to cruise and go fast. I was pretty good at skateboarding, could 50/50 and heel flip...but got sick of the stupid board hitting me in the shins, so I gave it up.
  5. Do we really want to depend on Adell to be a pinch runner late in the game though? Dude has been a huge liability on the basepaths recently.
  6. Nice catch Ward. Crouse looks like he enjoys participating in recreational drugs. I like how he hangs his throwing arm with the ball in it looking in though.
  7. Really surprised Detmers took a dump before Canning. I thought if anything it would be the other way around.
  8. Rengifo is *so* good at baseball. Say what you will about the organization, but against all odds we've seen him become a legit ballplayer in front of our eyes.
  9. Oh absolutely. I like the dark green better. But home game green tops with the white pants, *sah-wooooon* a whoooole lot of good butts to look at... Trouts butt tho...I miss him.
  10. oh ffs this team I know he's not the best pitcher on the team but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't rooting for him every time he took the mound.
  11. @angelsfan100 I used to take half a pill of Melatonin just to get me knocked out, but it kind of stopped working for me and I was always groggy for like an hour after I woke up. I've found this stuff at Wal-Mart/Frys/Ralphs that's like cough syrup, but it doesn't have any of the stuff in it that helps with cold or flu. There is a similar type at Wal Mart I found that has no alcohol. I take 1/4 of the dosage before I get in bed (sometimes even less), plop my head on the pillow, keep my eyes closed and it knocks me out. I also wake refreshed and not groggy (6-7 hours of sleep). I've recommended this stuff to a couple friends, and they have also told me how well it works, so I think it would be worth it to give it a shot. A schedule for me is also huge. I wake up at 4am and do the gym before work. By the time 9pm rolls around I am ready to get some sleep.
  12. Really getting to the point where I don't know why I even bother turning this garbage on...
  13. Not the first time, sure won't be the last... For craps sake, can we please stop degrading society by promoting putrid verbage. Holy hell it's nauseating.
  14. No, and for the love of God I hope it stays that way.
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