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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I hate it too but I hate the league over-regulating like this more. And the players should be adjusting to the shift until teams stop doing it.
  2. That's what they get paid the big bucks for. They're professional ballplayers. They spend more than a full time job playing and practicing baseball. If they can't figure out how to direct the ball where they'd like it to go they don't belong up there.
  3. Then LH hitters need to hit the ball to the left side of the field. Ohtani and Rengifo did it last night and look how that worked out. It's stupid to remove shifts just because batters can't adjust. I'm a lefty and if I saw 3B completely vacant I'd keep bunting to 3B every at bat for an easy base hit until they stopped. We've seen how much the shift has screwed the Angels this year, if teams on defense decide they want to give up base hits on balls that would typically be easy outs, then let them.
  4. We finally got clutch hits when we needed them last night, but they still struck out way too much, and they're still making weak contact/fouling off/whiffing at pitches down the pipe. Last night was a nice win for sure, but lets see how the next couple days before the All Star Break are. I would not put my hopes up.
  5. O'neal: Let's see what they have...looks like some ice cream Me: Uh, dude, that is CLEARLY a bloody mary...
  6. Wow it took 3 replays to see that foot come off the bag. Finally got ourselves a challenge win! Strike 'em out throw 'em out! Nice! Well done by Rengifo to keep that tag on him!
  7. Not hard to do when you have less than half the at bats of everyone else in the lineup. It's one game. Long season. Remember when Ward almost hit for the cycle? Can't judge a team/player off one game.
  8. Very out of character for Altuve to get eaten up like that. 6 - 1 Halos, think that'll be all for Ohtani pitching.
  10. Here we go, RISP with 1 out, the Angels achilles heel... Nice to see some oppo hitting beating the shift though!
  11. Will probably get walked. If they get that first out we might get through the 7th unscathed.
  12. Until he can lay off balls in the dirt with 2 strikes on him the pitchers ain't gonna stop throwin 'em.
  13. Is that CB Bucknor behind the plate? Marsh loves swinging at balls in the dirt with 2 strikes on him. And he got 2 chances to do it that at bat too.
  14. The pitch on that final K was filthy. Think it was the slider. Then Ohtani being pumped up to top it off is just great.
  15. Maybe it's just an Arizona thing based off location but the McDonald's app out here gives you a deal for $1 Large french fries every day. Add $1 Large Orange Hi C and it's the mid-day snack of champions.
  16. So bring in Marsh as a defensive replacement after Adell's screwed up enough out there earlier in the game to give the other team the lead? Apologies for my negativity towards Adell but I feel like he's been given plenty of chances by now and I just don't know what anybody sees in him anymore.
  17. Arte's not going to sell because the value of the franchise continues to rise regardless of the product he's putting on the field. 27,000+ tickets sold last night for a team 12 games under .500 and 20 games out of first place. Still selling jerseys and hats too...
  18. Brandon Marsh needs to cut his stupid hair and not grow it back until he's hitting .250 Joe Adell will still suck and look like a little leaguer in the outfield but at this point who cares
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