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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Let's see how quickly this bottom half of the inning goes by...
  2. Do you guys see how the Dodgers hit the baseball? With good contact? With authority? Where they foul off close pitches then hit mistakes? Yeah, we don't do that. That's why we suck.
  3. None of this surprises me at all. This is barely an MLB eligible team.
  4. Holy crap. I'm not much of a betting man but if I had an app or something I'd put $100+ on the over.
  5. Bunting is not that hard. Honestly, it's not. And I'm not singling you out, I'm talking about the overall tone people have about bunting, and they need to stop acting like not every player can do it. They can, they just don't practice it enough because they'd rather pull and hit the snot out of the ball for an out into the shift than help the team and themselves by taking a relatively free base hit. I would rather a guy get a couple outs trying to get better at bunting down 3rd than continuously hitting directly into the shift for outs. IMO keep bunting until they stop shifting on you. Once you get 3, 4, 5 free passes bunting, I'd imagine that they'd stop with the shifting and you could go back to your regularly scheduled player positions. But instead lefties are being stubborn. They're continuing to pull the ball when it's on the outside of the plate instead of going with the pitches on the outside of the plate and hitting the ball the other way against the shift. They don't take advantage when the entire left side of the field is empty. It's that simple. And instead of forcing batters to ADJUST to the defense like they should, MLB is giving the batters a pass essentially telling them not to worry about adjusting because "we'll fix this for you." And that's stupid. Don't get me wrong, I hate the shift too. But baseball is a game of adjustments, and now they're taking that away. And I don't think there should be mandated rules restricting a defensive strategy just because the batters are too stubborn to adjust.
  6. At this point they might be better off going up to the plate without a bat in their hands.
  7. If tonight doesn't tell you this team belongs nowhere near the playoffs I don't think anything will.
  8. nobody cares about anything you say strad, you're just sad at this point
  9. Think about it...the runs we scored were barely even earned, mostly gifts. One was walked in, the other was a passed ball.
  10. who knew you could become a major league ballplayer without knowing how to hit a baseball
  11. Marsh 0-4 with 4 K's completely unacceptable dump this bum and don't let him come back until he cuts his stupid hair.
  12. Well, we get to do it too (I know you know that), but our record with RISP and any number of outs puts us at an enormous disadvantage.
  13. How long does a player need to play in front of 15 people to not throw 30 feet wide of home plate? Let a ground ball go under his glove? Miss a routine fly ball? Hit the cut off man? These are basic fundamentals. I don't understand the love for the guy. He's Brandon Wood 2.0
  14. Can you name something that does reflect well on the organization right now? Besides Ohtani, which was just a purchase...
  15. Gotta get his ERA down some how...BRING HIM IN DURING A TIE GAME!!! MUAH-HA-HA!!!
  16. Didn't a ball go off his glove then over the fence for a home run once? Nah, Adell has projected this upon himself.
  17. They haven't but they should have. Starting rules to "make it fair to the batters" because they're too stubborn to adjust to something as dumb as a shift seems sacrilegious.
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