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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. The Dodgers have created an organizational culture that centers around an expectation of success. One thing is for sure: the players come prepared, they know how to adjust, their coaches know how to prepare, and they know how to study the opposition so if they don't succeed the first time, they won't make the same mistake twice. When you see this happening right in front of you, it just feels like the Angels are going through the same motions they have for the past decade.
  2. soft ground ball soft ground ball strikeout looking infield pop up strikeout looking soft ground ball
  3. The Angels continue to perform like they have no business playing Major League Baseball... ...and the doyers are showing them why.
  4. LOL Adell throws the ball 30 feet wide of the base he intended to throw to yet again. I think my mom could make a more accurate throw.
  5. Adell whiffs at a fastball right down the pipe. If he can't hit a fastball how does anyone expect him to hit anything else?
  6. I've seen about enough of Stassi. Lead off hit to start the inning and then the ball never leaves the infield. Sounds bout right.
  7. I'm considering going about a month then checking in mid-August to confirm that I didn't waste my time.
  8. Back spasms from 5 days rest? Starting to feel like the guy that calls in sick for the 5th day straight because he's been at job interviews for another company...
  9. See, I keep hearing writers and announcers say that, but I don't see it. They said the same thing about Bryce Harper and that guy sucks ass so I don't really buy what they say anymore. I feel like they hype players that don't deserve it to bring legitimacy to parts of the game. And while Soto deserves 75% of it I feel like it's overstated. And he'll get that contract sure but I just don't see him being worth it.
  10. Is Soto even worth that much? I don't see it. I mean, he's good, we know that, but I just don't see him as a guy worthy of Trout or Ohtani kind of money. Is this more a market with a lack of available talent or available free agents? I can't think of many others that stand out like Soto, but the bar doesn't neccesarilly seem to be set that high.
  11. Well that clears it up. I doubt Tim Salmon gives a shit what Arte thinks. There's no reason for loyalty there, Tim doesn't *have* to be there. And he's right to call out the embarrassing product Arte has put on the field while simultaneously destroying this organization.
  12. This is the teams achilles heel regardless of if we're in a 1 run game or not, and it explains a lot of the poor results we're seeing from our players in the batters box. Can anyone remember the last time we hit a sac fly with a runner on 3rd base?
  13. The problem is almost ANYTHING this organization touches quickly goes to shit. I don't have faith in this team to develop prospects anymore, and I don't have faith that this organization has the ability to recognize talent. There is a disconnect up and down through the organization and it's evident by the product they put on the field. One glaring thing to point out about the Dodgers: did you notice how they don't really take defensive swings? They wait for their pitch and don't miss it--we don't do that. We're up there hacking at junk, watching pitches down the pipe. Did you notice when they hit the ball, it's solid contact? They drive the ball with authority--we don't do that. We constantly have piddlers that don't go past the mound or soft ground ball outs. It comes down to a fundamental approach with our offense combined with lack of talent. I don't know why at some point these guys aren't just going up there and swinging at the best pitch they get no matter the count, because it's the only way this is going to get fixed. I feel like the hat thing should be dropped until this team is .500 or above.
  14. Hey Gubi? Think you could get off Kershaws nuts until after the game when you're not on an Angels broadcast? Jesus.
  15. Oh thank god. I absolve Rengifo of all his prior shortcomings. He has a fresh slate in my mind.
  16. I can't watch this bullshit anymore. This is absolute garbage. Arte and the entire Angels franchise should be embarrassed by the product they put on the field. Ohtani is insane if he decides to continue to be a part of this franchise.
  17. To give us some kind of chance to avoid the no hitter/perfect game you fucking nimrod. Not that hard to understand...
  18. If we get to the bottom of the 9th and Marsh is up there as the last out for the no-no/perfect game, Trout better get off his ass and pinch hit.
  19. The only reason I don't Kershaw to get the no-no/perfect game against us is because I don't want to have to hear about it for eternity from Dodger fans.
  20. Velazquez looks thrilled to participate in this dumpster fire of a game.
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