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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I love The Office but I refuse to pay for that garbage streaming service even if it means I don't get to see The Office for the time being. I wonder who that could be...
  2. You should ask for your money back from whatever College or University you went to.
  3. I played sports through College University and we would be embarrassed to celebrate a meaningless home run if we were perennial losers. Celebrations have a time and place. Right now the Angels dugout has nothing to celebrate.
  4. I've never had serious back problems long term but when my back has hurt it scares the shit out of me because it makes you practically unfunctional, then you start wondering if it's ever going to go away and if it doesn't how could I possibly go through life this way. I don't wish back injuries on anyone. Usually a good couple back stretching sessions combined with some back strengthening workouts do the trick and it goes away, but I'm not swinging a baseball bat every day.
  5. I can't do discount fluffy pillows. Sam's club has a great deal on 2 Serta memory foam pillows for $12 so naturally I bought 3 of them. I don't own a my pillow I just like the loonies who piss off liberals.
  6. He left the game with back spasms after an at bat right? It's not like this occurred out in the field. If I recall after his plate appearance he didn't show up the next inning out in center. So he has back spasms from swinging a baseball bat? That's not good.
  7. They should be embarrassed by all of it and dumping the hat is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mentalities in the clubhouse that need to change until they win.
  8. Certainly doesn't show when they're still doing the same things that created a 14 game losing streak. It would be great to know what you see that shows they're working on things when they can't get a basic sac fly with a RISP and nobody out.
  9. But that is EXACTLY what they're doing? Are you that hard headed? You have no idea what their mentality is but you want to tell me what we're all seeing is incorrect. Once again Strad, you add absolutely nothing to the conversation but tell everybody they're wrong.
  10. Gotta be able to add all those stickers.
  11. See, this mentality is part of the problem. "We suck ass and can't win ballgames but lets celebrate a Vernon Wells-esque meaningless home run..." At what point is someone going to say "We don't deserve to have fun until we're winning"? Or is that no longer important?
  12. It definitely isn't, but I wouldn't blame anyone if they feel like it is. Miss a week against good teams that count then show up for a game that doesn't matter? On paper, it just doesn't look good. Again, it doesn't bother me at all if he plays in the All Star Game. The All Star Game is designed to see players like Trout.
  13. Too bad, it needs to go. Until they play like a team that should have fun, they have a job. Right now, they don't deserve it.
  14. Just want to say AngelsJunky you do a fantastic job at starting threads like this, and they don't go under-appreciated. If I was Ohtani, I would leave. If I was Trout, I'd be looking to get out. Unless there are some dramatic organizational changes, and let's face it these to guys see it way more than us, we're totally clueless when it comes to developing talent. The talent we acquire tends to turn to shit. The product on the field right now is a joke. Being Ohtani or Trout right now to show up basically expecting to lose because you know what's being put on the field has to be incredibly difficult to navigate. What's the difference between $350 Mill and $450 Mill when you look at it in perspective? I'm the type of guy that would rather win. Play for a well oiled machine that knows what it takes. A team culture that expects it, and doesn't accept anything less. And I think Trout and Ohtani are too.
  15. I was fine with the hat when we were winning and having fun. I liked seeing the guys celebrate the good times. But in July we have 2 wins and 12 fucking losses. At this point, honestly, I would prefer a manager that screams like Terry Collins. Call players out on their bullshit at bats. We need someone that finds the performance out there unacceptable and demands they do it better. Have him flip a couple tables in the locker room after games like last night. Someone that turns the stadium lights back on and tells Adell he's not going home until he can catch a fly ball and throw 50 strikes to 2nd base from right field. The hat needs to go, the smiles need to stop, there needs to be a strict no bullshit type of guy in charge who puts order into the organization in this club. Until they are in 1st place or make the playoffs, the dicking around needs to stop.
  16. Good for you! This is the right way to do season tickets. I would assume sales like these basically pay for the games you actually go to. Timing can be everything when it comes to stuff like this. Not quite the same but I used to do this with flipping vinyl records. I'd find ones nobody else had, and people would overpay for rarities because they couldn't find them anywhere else, sometimes at ebay deadlines, and it basically paid for my entire collection.
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