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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Pujols swinging better than we've ever seen in an Angels uniform.
  2. Is that Pujols' daughter in the white tank top? Oh my...
  3. If Schwarber loses to Pujols that is the ultimate lol
  4. Last hurrah. Honestly, I give him props for showing up. He didn't have to.
  5. I was wondering if instead of buying a ticket, paying for parking then just sitting in the parking lot waiting for one to leave the stadium.
  6. I love how Pujols spent 10 years with the Angels but the mention of anything Angels in the entire HRD broadcast is non-existent.
  7. Maybe it's just me but it really surprises me how many sons of former players make it. Like what are the chances of them being anywhere as talented in baseball as their fathers? Do you think they're given a considerable "pass" just because their dad used to be in the bigs? It seems like they might be taking places of people who actually deserve to be there but who don't have a family legacy in MLB.
  8. Definitely frustrating but I'm curious as to what caused Trouts injury? Didn't seem to see anything during the game he was pulled, was this simply due to his last at bat? And if he's aggravating his back (or ribs same thing right?) by just swinging, this seems like something that would be long term.
  9. Meh it's early in the day. Prolly see more action later this evening. That being said we really don't need another pitcher that has trouble locating his high velocity lol
  10. Sure. The hat was fun when we were winning. Winning is over. Move on to a new home run tradition once the Angels are over .500 and they won't be this year, so throw the hat away. Not hard.
  11. Thank god you don't some of you are absolutely clueless.
  12. Popularity contests have never been my strong suit. Joining the group think of an online forum to win a poll even though they're wrong is not something I do. This is a website to discuss Angels baseball regardless if we agree or not. You guys constantly think you're right, but your "right" opinions have put this organization in exactly the state it's in, and how long do people want to agree with you before they understand that you're wrong and that you being "right" on a website doesn't work.
  13. Nothing will break Angelswin, this much I know. It's not the hat. It could be anything. A rally monkey. Strad's blow up doll. A my pillow. It's everything the hat represents that is the problem.
  14. Can't be worse than Adell and they're giving him playing time. If we're talking about giving players time in the bigs because of a losing season give that guy a chance. Plus Wallach can actually make a decent throw to 2nd instead of airmailing it like Stassi. If we're really being serious about this team getting better why keep giving the same guys that suck a majority of the playing time.
  15. And nobody likes you. You don't add value and this website would be better without you.
  16. Disgusting whore. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CHAD WALLACH How many more shitty Stassi at bats do we have to watch???
  17. The Pirates are actually fun to watch from time to time. They have players that actually square up on a baseball every now and then. Really nice stadium, pretty sweet jerseys too.
  18. Good idea. I think I'll run with this then let you know. I'll tell you one thing that will be in the "in-proper player behavior" section will be putting a cowboy hat on someone that hits a meaningless solo home run in the 8th or 9th inning of a 7 run blowout at the end of a 2 month stretch where the team is 12-39.
  19. No. The important thing around here is we don't hurt any of the Angels feelings. Because that's worked for the past 10+ years.
  20. Slap hands with a "nice home run keep it up" and move on.
  21. 104 at noon, a nice day for some sweaty yard-work in the front, followed by sitting in my flamingo floaty with a margarita in the pool
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