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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Because they aren't good at getting base hits with RISP and make costly decisions on the base paths.
  2. Never make the 1st or 3rd out of the inning at 3rd base. Basic fundamental practices continue to be ignored by this team.
  3. Then what is the point of them being back there making calls at all?
  4. Buddy of mine says the D'Backs WS was on TV at a bar somewhere and stated how strange it was to watch the game without the TV strike zone box, and it definitely gives the umpires more of the benefit of the doubt. I'm going to keep saying this because I truly believe at the core of the problem is the players mentalities: If the players are that concerned about the umpires making correct ball and strike calls, they can't just bitch about it when it goes against them then have the attitude "we'll take it!" when it does go their way. A pitcher at some point is going to have to tell the umpire "no, that's not a strike, I'm not taking that gift, get the batter in the box and I'll get him on a real strike 3." Because if they're expecting the umpires to be held accountable, they need to be held accountable by both dugouts whether or not the calls go their way.
  5. If you have to frame the pitch, it's not a strike, and the umpires should be making those ball and strike calls accordingly.
  6. I'm the one that's trying to be clever while you base anything on 1 day results. We've had a sample size of 4 months with Marsh whiffing at balls for strike 3 and you acting like my criticisms aren't valid on a 1 day fluke is laughable.
  7. Probably Strad. But he doesn't answer serious questions anyway so I wouldn't waste your time.
  8. I miss one poll from 4 years ago and now my opinion is irrelevent? I didn't call any single person out I'm going off what the poll says. Is that not valid? How about you go call out everyone that missed it as well you useless hack.
  9. Well said. I applaud you for taking the time to succinctly describe exactly the situation while really your effort should not be required. People around here just have a hard time admitting they were/are wrong.
  10. As Marsh whiffs for strike 3 on a pitch 2 feet away from the plate...
  11. Oh good lord talk about semantics. Do you know how commitments work? You can't just commit 10-12 years then say whoops, let's act like that didn't happen and go back. Sure, everyone on here can change their minds but that is not a luxury baseball franchise have and it is unreasonable to be pissed at a franchises' decisions that didn't pan out after they did exactly what the fans asked for 4 years ago.
  12. I agree. You can't just make a poll 4 years after the fact when hindsight is 20/20 and act like NOW you'd rather go the other way. It doesn't work that way. 4 years ago this is what people wanted, so this is what they'e getting. The organization made that bet too, and this is the outcome. Now they're in a big effing hole and nobody seems to have any quick fix except rebuild and hope we have any semblence of a team in 5 years.
  13. How did that Acuña hit get past our infield? Looks like there were almost 2 defenders within 20 feet of the line?
  14. I don't think one guarantees another as some drastic changes needed to be made long before the situation they're in now. Trout just seemed checked out before his current injury. Hard to blame Ohtani for not wanting to stay. If winning a World Series means saying good bye then so be it, if it's hard to not see at this point the Angels have no business being a "big market team" beside their stupid Los Angeles name nothing will. But combine that with their absolutely horrific reputation at recognizing and acquiring talent it's hard to let guys go (Trout & Ohtani) who actually have consistent success.
  15. Which is spectacularly insane and lazy and MLB shouldn't reward them for that mentality.
  16. Me and my dad have been doing nothing but saying this since the shifts started and have been doing nothing but saying this since people have started defending banning the shift.
  17. There were 2 nice catches by Adell today. No doubt. Key word: pretty good. Key word: today. Lets keep in mind he almost blew another catch by not calling a pop up in left and is still absolutely clueless at the plate. The way some people around here get hard ons after 1 game is very bizzare.
  18. "My only hit today was bunting against the shift. They're shifting again. Let's hit right into it." -Walsh
  19. Ever since breaking up Kershaws perfect game he has looked a lot better. Adell still sucks.
  20. With all his batting glove prep and all his padding and eye black I think we saw him spend more time getting ready for at bats than actually batting. Definitely put a lot of effort trying to look like an mlb ballplayer lol.
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