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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I've done 2 rounds on this show and love it. While Jessie Pinkman has his moments where he shines, I just wish he wasn't so goddamn annoying a majority of the time, and I fast forward through the slow panning artsy fartsy music segues that feel like they were purposely added to eat up way too much time and don't add much to the storyline. What I found interesting is the 1st time through I couldn't understand why Skyler was always acting like such a bitch, but the 2nd time through you're like oh, now I get it, she's really not that much of a bitch and it's pretty easy to understand how she's feeling and why she acts that way. I enjoyed her a lot more the 2nd time around.
  2. I liked their half ass attempt to recreate the homo-erotic beach scene. I had low expectations and saw it to see it in theaters and it was pretty much exactly what I expected. I wouldn't recommend it as a "must see" to anyone.
  3. You have something in common with everyone here, you enjoy enduring the pain.
  4. He's been around since 2020, jumping up and down from the minors to majors. If he can't figure out routine fly balls by his 3rd year I don't see any reason to believe he'd "figure it out" anytime soon. And it's not like his bat is making up for it.
  5. Nope. 75% of the time he looks clueless on those tough plays. And his bat is just horrible.
  6. I don't get why you guys spend time on a baseball forum in the game day thread and don't even watch the games...?
  7. if anyone can give more than one reason (money) for Ohtani to stay I'd love to hear it
  8. why are they making us watch the stupid stankees? to remind us how much we suck? I hate when they do that shit
  9. I don't know why I'm even getting amped right now, I just know they're going to let me down. I mean they're already 2/3 of the way there.
  10. It was absolutely VITAL that Sierra put the bat on the ball there and yet again we have a batter sitting there watching strike 3. Infuriating.
  11. I know we've taken a lot of advantage of it but I still hate that stupid short porch in right. Homer should be over the wall, not some arbitrary line.
  12. There's a runner on 3rd and the guy doesn't swing the bat once. Man that pisses me off to no end. And of course, right away, it bites us in the ass.
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