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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. Again...Iglesias is not the problem. Stupid Quijada loaded the bases. Iglesias is supposed to be a closer, come in with a brand new inning and nobody on base, he's not a mop up guy.
  2. When he comes in during the 9th inning during a save situation he's like 16 for 19...when he comes in a situation with inherited runners...he's just not the same guy.
  3. Apparently Quijada doesn't want to give this team a chance to win. Aaaaand here comes the bad omen visit to the mound that usually results in a base hit for a run...
  4. At this point I would be fine with keeping Trout and Ohtani and our pitching staff (especially our starters) and dumping everybody else on this baseball team and finding 8 new infielders. I'm so sick of our gutless offense staring at strikes and swinging at balls and costing our fine starting pitchers marks in the win column. I REALLY thought Walsh would pick it up but it seems the funk of the team has affected his performance in the box, and he is just watching WAY too many strikes and then getting in a hole with 2 strikes where he starts guessing like Marsh. I like the guy at 1st, great defense, but his at bats have become so predictable and his bat is downright painful to watch.
  5. I don't know what you're trying to say that I said but as usual, it wasn't this. Do you realize you do nothing on this site but pick fights or sit around waiting to insult people for things they didn't say while rarely contributing to anything worthwhile or contextual? How about this Strad: IT'S A SHAME WE HAVE A GUY LIKE DETMERS GIVING IT HIS ALL AND WE STILL HAVE A SHITTY GUTLESS BASEBALL TEAM THAT CAN'T SCORE MORE THAN 2 RUNS FOR HIM SO HE GETS THE WIN. When will you stop being such a child?
  6. They keep talking about how much Detmers has improved and grown and I just keep thinking, yeah, Detmers has improved and that's all great except we're still "the same shitty ass Angels with no cajones just like we've been for the past frickin' decade..."
  7. I swear to god half the shitty calls that just "pop up" and go against the Angels (like that batter interference call when we stole 3rd base and the right handed batter didn't do shit) would NEVER happen against the Stankees. It feels like the umpires relentlessly fuck with the Angel's whether it's terrible strike zones or bullshit calls that make no sense. So I know this will probably sound stupid but when I was going to ballgames consistently, I would show up early for batting practice and plant myself right on the left field wall between the foul pole and the gap for the bullpen. So if grounders came down the line I could hang down the fence and snag them. And believe it or not there IS a sweet spot on that wall where the balls consistently will roll to after they come down the line and bang of the wall in left. And it was like a pinball machine, if a ball was coming down the line, it consistently would bounce in a space of 3 to 4 feet almost every time, and I would sit in the same spot and get a ball pretty much every game. I have a drawer full of balls just by sitting down the line and hanging my glove down the walls against balls that banged against that wall. I have a feeling Garret Anderson knows about that bounce and sweet spot...
  8. Honestly I could care less how he starts each pitch as long as he can stop a slow ground ball or catch a fly ball like a major league ballplayer should. If it's mental then the Angels have given him more than a substantial amount of time to get over that. We're talking the last 2 months in 2020, a little over a month in 2021, and then practically handing him a permanent full time position to start 2022 despite knowing his offensive and defensive issues. Apparently he's still not getting the mental aspect of the game over the course of 3 years. If he's putting in the work then, again, the Angels have given him more than a substantial amount of time, but he's still not getting it. I've never seen this board more sympathetic to a guy who has clearly had enough time for the mental and physical aspect of the game, apparently hasn't got past either/or, can't figure it out at the plate, and to top it off is an absolute liability in the outfield. I have seen very little besides one-off isolated examples of how he's "supposed to be good" and if it's going to take him 4 years more to "figure it out" trade him or leave him in the minors so we can open up a roster spot to someone who has it figured out now.
  9. Did he watch any pitches down the pipe for strike 3 tonight? That's becoming his thing. Especially with RISP.
  10. He's on a tear. If only some of the other guys on the team could pick it up like he has...and if only he started doing this in May or June...
  11. And for f**ks sake Suzuki could you try catching the godd**n ball before trying to tag the runner for once in your life?
  12. Can we at-least all agree that this Adell experiment needs to end? There's no amount of "real game experience" that fixes a person who biffs plays like this. You could go pluck a little leaguer off the field and put them in left and they would have gotten control of that ball faster than Adell did.
  13. I love the way Sandoval is so casual just dropping some of those first of the at bat pitches in for strikes..
  14. They're an acquired taste. I only eat them when I'm drunk and they still need 4 packets of taco sauce.
  15. 2 great points and so true. I mean say we were to win a World Series this year, or next, just imagine the loyal attendance increases and merchandise sales, and people that will be a fan of Trout and Ohtani and the Angels franchise probably for the rest of their lives. Which is why it's so sad to see this team struggle so badly for so long now. The Angels have been missing one, and now two spectacular opportunities for over a decade now.
  16. So what if he went 4 for 5 yesterday, would you be creating a thread saying the same thing? Or are you basing this all off yesterday? Seems like an impulse reaction because he didn't come through with runners in scoring position yesterday---just like the rest of the team. I, for one, was glad to see him crack that first pitch and stretch it into a double. I'm not even in the Fletcher circle jerk, but yeesh, give him a couple weeks. If he hits over .250 and is a pest on the bases and still has his good glove it's better than what we've got there now.
  17. Especially once he gets to see what it's like to be on a real Major League Baseball team, why would he want to come back to a Junior League Baseball team?
  18. Probably about 4 or 5 I don't watch the entire game, but I'll watch a couple innings of a game. Earlier this month was fun when they played Texas, Rays, and Stankees. I pretty much flip through all the games to listen to the different announcers, see the different players and home fields. Hell I've even watched 1 or 2 Pirates and Marlins games this year. But I generally stay away from the Tigers, Reds and Rockies because they blow, the Asstros because I can't stand watching them, and the Phillies because Bryce Harper is a cocksucker.
  19. Not only the distance but they almost DOUBLED the height of the wall. It went from 7 feet to 13 feet! Absolutely destroyed the field and I hear all the away announcers when I watch Baltimore home games bitching and moaning about what a stupid decision it was.
  20. I can't imagine any player would ever want to be an Oriole after they've massacred the field with that absurd wall in left field. What did we miss, 5 or 6 home runs that series because of that stupid wall? 2 or 3 of them were Ohtani oppo bombs, too. Ohtani deserves better on the field but I don't think he'll be traded before the deadline. He probably should be traded now to get max value out of him (like others said 2 playoff opportunities instead of 1) because I can't imagine he wants to be here, but I doubt it happens.
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