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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I don't know who insists on keeping it but everything has it's time...and right now, it doesn't...
  2. ANOTHER BOMB! 2nd one of the game for Ohtani, 24th this season. 8-6 A's Holy Smokes 6 Home Runs this afternoon, the only way they've scored. If only they could do that with runners on...
  3. Let's be honest, this is not a come from behind team. I will ban myself for a month if they come back to win this game.
  4. Wow. Imagine if Disney still owned the Angels 20 years later. I wonder how that'd look. Would we be better off, or worse off? I can't imagine us being worse, and we'd prolly have a new stadium by now. (BTW ESPN is garbage who gives a flying shit what they thought, their opinions mean nothing)
  5. Let me get this straight... The guy cannot hit major league pitching. He watches or whiffs through strikes, then when he's down in the count he swings at balls. He's up there guessing and he looks like a fool. He also struggles catching fly balls and biffs ground balls routinely, he just gave up an inside the park homer on a dribbler down the line...so his glove sucks too, he can't be depended on as a fielder. And still, after all this...you're thinking playing him at first base would fix all this? Have you even watched him play? Are you out of your mind? I'd like to ask for anyone who thinks more "playing time" is going to make him better: When do you give it up? When are you going to get back to reality and decide he has gotten enough playing time? How many more games? He's played over 100 games and not ONE thing about him has improved. You have to draw a line in the sand at some point. You can't expect us to be a competitive team and get good players who want to play in this organization if Mr. "he's still working it out after 100 games" is still getting playing time. It's irrationale. It's not how good organization are ran. At some point the guy has to go. We can't keep doing this to our team.
  6. Thanks for showing up Adell. Good lord can we please dump this bum.
  7. Is it just me or does Fletcher look like he's not too thrilled to be playing for us.
  8. Yay! Stassi got a hit! Now we have a RISP to strand with one out!
  9. Always a good day when the Halos win! BUT they need to cut-out the boneheaded outs on the bases. Just saw the video with Gosselin over-sliding second to end the 4th. C'mon guys, you can do better!
  10. Dude. What the hell is Taylor doing? That's the second out he's ran into today.
  11. Man, Vin Scully was without a doubt my favorite announcer of all time. I would hear him on the radio when my parents drove me around and we listened to the Dodger games (before I became an Angel fan). My Dad used to always say "He talks too much" but I always thought if there was one guy I wanted to listen to talk too much about baseball, it was Vin. Such an absolute delight to listen to him on the radio. Always had stories that made me crack up, was so good at illustrating what he saw on the field. Such an amazing personality that will never be matched. Very sad to hear this news. RIP Good Sir, you are already missed.
  12. Even after I switched to the Angels (after the Dodgers traded Mike Piazza) I would still turn on Dodger games just to listen to Vinny. He was great in so many ways, and had such a good personality and sense of humor. Will truly be missed.
  13. I agree. They're all over the place and it's not really clear what their plan is moving forward with these moves.
  14. Which is why a World Series defender and team who generally goes in the direction of a succesful ballclub that is going to make the playoffs want him? Dumb. This team went south because THEY DON'T SCORE RUNS. They don't have good fundamental at bats. They can't get a hit with 0 outs and RISP, they strike out instead. When's the last time we saw a sacrafice fly with a runner on 3rd? Iglesias was 16-19 in close situations and only had 2 save opportunities the ENTIRE month of July. I get why they let him go because we are no longer a contender and it sheds the expense of his contract, but Iglesias was the LEAST of this teams problems.
  15. Welp, I guess Adell is our new starting left fielder for the foreseeable future. *sigh* I'm not putting much hope into this lineup.
  16. Is it just me or is .269 in Double-A not that impressive? It's too bad Marsh couldn't be better in the box, I wanted to see him get better but the strikeouts were pretty abysmal. I'm not going to miss his hair. Guess we better get used to Adell out in left?
  17. I totally agree. His injury is so rare, I don't believe his back/ribcage issue has anything to do with workouts. Now should he be "maxing out" or hitting PR's with lifting? I don't think that's necessary, and I feel like it creates unnecessary wear and tear on the body that would affect other things down the line, things that would be unrelated to such a rare injury at such a young age.
  18. Iglesias is a closer. He's had 2 save opportunities the entire month of July. He's 16 for 19 on the season up there with some of the best closers in the game. He's not a guy you bring in with 1 out and the bases loaded. That's not what they signed him for. If they wanted Iglesias to pitch in the 8th they should've started the inning with him.
  19. LOL Jo Adell pinch hitting to put the final John Hancock on this signature Halos baseball loss...
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