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Everything posted by CaliAngel

  1. I have it on good authority the hitting coach over there fixed his swing within 48 hours of being traded.
  2. I loved Percival don't get me wrong, but he probably would not have been as successful against todays batters and would have to adopt a different approach as a pitcher than he did back in the 90's early 00's to get similar results. Expected. Expected.
  3. What if we just have Gubi and an empty chair? I wouldn't mind silence and then only Gubi's color commentary. I don't need a television announcer telling me what I'm seeing happen or reading what's showing on the screen.
  4. lol how anyone could possibly be depending on this happening is beyond me
  5. Before I even scrolled down I thought "his delivery seems awfully violent and prone to injury" and sure enough...
  6. He makes too many late inning changes like it's a t-ball league where "everyone gets a turn to play" and it's annoying as hell. He does seem seem to have a longer leash for our pitching though, which I enjoy, they got themselves into this mess best let them figure out how to get out of it is something Maddon usually refused to do and it would drive me bonkers.
  7. Stassi walks to start off the 9th, then a couple batters later popped out to end the inning.
  8. It's really too bad they fell so far behind...and I don't expect them to be THIS good all the time, but it's a bummer there's really not something to root for and that these games borderline don't matter.
  9. ANOTHER starting pitcher with a quality start. Gotta be encouraged by our arms if anything. Ohtani's at 79 pitches through 5! No earned runs and 5 k's gotta love it!
  10. Nice homer by Ward. Hopefully that swing gets him back! He is missed!
  11. His throws are so so bad. Usually not even close. Needs to take some lessons from Yadier.
  12. Would be a great problem to have if we had guys who were able to get those runners in from 3rd. I am happy with the direction the pitching is going, it's really too bad our bats haven't been able to show up and support them.
  13. This team is a joke. They should all be embarrassed. Ohtani deserves to leave, he doesn't belong here.
  14. lol this team and their stupid injuries are absurd
  15. oh we're still calling those at-bats? now HERE's a situation Chavez belongs on the mound
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