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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. That wasn't even the big item in that auction. See the NHL thread.
  2. Interesting that Calhoun is playing first. Guess he doesn't have the backup OF position locked, or they want to see how much versatility he has. Hall looked really good at the plate yesterday. With that laser Home Run errr Double. So might be a competition now.
  3. Another thing. A tie? When is the last time that happened?
  4. I think Mills is out of options along with Calhoun. So they either make the team, or are open to waivers I believe.
  5. Can't wait till someone makes a video using that song.
  6. I also didn't know he could sing. His singing numbers were surprisingly good. Although I thought they could have done away with James T Kirk at the beginning.
  7. To the schedulers. F you. There is this thing called the Oscars going on across town. Would have been nice if you scheduled an afternoon game. Glad the Ducks came back, and won. Oscars started and they were down 2-0. Just found out the score now.
  8. So what did everyone think of McFarlane hosting? I thought he did a surprisingly good job. And poor Jennifer. Her big moment, and she falls on the steps. I am definitely going to have to watch Life of Pi now.
  9. I still remember when Pujols had that look like he wanted to body slam Aybar after a game.
  10. Funny how he will claim racial profiling, while calling the police officer a Chubby Elvis, and on a donut diet.
  11. ‘Twilight: Breaking Dawn – Part 2′ takes 7 Razzie Awards including Worst Picture
  12. Pacquiao would have been on the ground after that punch. So was that worth an expulsion? Taking away the scholarship if he had one?
  13. At this rate, Scioscia is gonna wear out Trumbo before the season even starts.
  14. Others of note. Well, not that they are good. But baseball movies. Mr. Baseball. Mr. 3000. a League of their Own. The Rookie. Here is IMDB's list of baseball movies. Also, coincidentally, Yahoo had an article on how every baseball team somehow made it into films. Some were obvious, some not so. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mlb-big-league-stew/big-leagues-big-screen-top-movie-appearances-30-175818889--mlb.html'> From the big leagues to the big screen: Movie appearances by all 30 MLB teams
  15. Eruzione jersey scores almost $660KI think it's a bargain. If you consider, in the same auction, a Lou Gehrig game worn jersey sold for $717k. I'd rather have the Eruzione Miracle on Ice Jersey.
  16. Not sure why the media didn't work on the youtube video. Got it to work.
  17. Husband Gets Revenge Naw it couldn't be, her horse isn't grey. The husband should have sold the horse to Burger King if we really wanted revenge. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61EVNela6M4
  18. We should do a AW.com day again. Del Mar was a blast meeting everyone there. Santa Anita was ok the last time. Not as many, but still fun. I'll see how many passes I get in a few weeks, and maybe do something second week of March. Next week is Big Cap day, will be fun, but crowded.
  19. Broke even. Freakin changed a double because I second guessed a longshot that would have paid me $198. Knew the other longshot would win. /sigh.
  20. Going to take a left turn, that leads down a ramp to get to the freeway. Have an SUV in front of me. Light turns green. This is one of those intersections where there are two traffic lights like 50 feet apart. Guess the car in front of me thought it was a green arrow instead of a green light. Rams right into an oncoming truck. Truck had some good damage to it. But the SUV nearly got it's front driver side tire ripped off. Guy got out of the SUV and said some choice words. Makes me wonder if he was A) Drunk from the track, since he looked like he was in his 20's, dressed up with some women, or Thought it was the other drivers fault. I left my business card with the guy in the truck, in case it was B. Been a while since I've seen an accident happen. But it was one of those instances where I knew it was going to happen, so wasn't even close to the intersection when the impact happened.
  21. Right now it's Santa Anita season. Hollywood is closer, but it's gone downhill. And this summer is most likely the last season before it closes down. So they really don't give a rats behind anymore. I stupid second guessed a double today, replaced it with a horse that someone said had a better chance. That cost me a $198 win. /sigh.
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