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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. key word there is value. Marlins did get rid of a bunch of money. So value wise yes. Talent wise. umm. No.
  2. Ducks aren't down after the first period. Baby steps. lol
  3. As Surgeon Generals go. He's the only one I think I ever remember because of his beard.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qkAXbi375w Crappy video. But it answers the question. At about 3:42. Right eye.
  5. I don't know what the difference is. But I get the runs every time I go to Del Taco. I have no problem with Taco Bell. /shrug. And I don't mind Del Taco's food either. Just the side effects. I'm thinking one of their spices they put in their food just doesn't agree with me.
  6. Was going to say the same thing. They are cheaper, and fresher, than any of the store brands. I'd bet to guess there may be a cooking instructions on their pizza when frozen. Usually, I just buy their cooked one's and freeze the leftovers.
  7. The guys from Duck Dynasty might get a vacation home in Montana now.
  8. It was nice seeing the last fan cave guy make it so far that was representing the Angels. Think he made the finals right? But he never really did keep us up to date on his hijinx.
  9. Yes. But in all reality, the money we are talking, only teams that have a commitment to winning will offer the amount to an outside free agent. Really, we are talking the Dodger, Angels, Yanks, Red Sox, and Tigers lately. And I say outside, because teams like the Reds, Twins, Rockies, heck even the Mariners have given their homegrown players huge contracts, but not really so much players in free agency.
  10. I have no problem with what he said. He said nothing bad about the Angels. Just his preference of wanting to be paid the max amount. Also, did not know about his opt out clause. Similar to CC, so tells me he really wanted to go the midwest/east more. Also, nothing wrong saying he liked the strategy of the NL more than the AL. Many people will say the same thing. Sounds to me like he is already thinking of life after his playing days.
  11. Think I'll have a tuna fish sanmwich now.
  12. Arby's for sure. I don't get why people like their famous roast beef. I've had it at like 3 different places, and threw it away thinking it was the location. It's just crap no matter where you go.
  13. He's probably claim unemployment, and sue CA for disability. Hmm. Where is the sarcasm on button.
  14. So when did Ikea start selling food? And when you buy the food, do you have to assemble it?
  15. Screw sniffing it. I'd send it to the lab and test it for HGH and Steroids.
  16. Scout them all out, and give us your report on who to look out for. I'm sure there will be a few players that stand out.
  17. Yeah, that's what I thought too. Maybe since picture is tied so closely to director, the Academy will expand the director to the same number as picture next year? It really was a black eye for them, even if Affleck may or may not have won that category. Dang, just looked it up. But Life of Pi made $600 million worldwide.
  18. Nice. Wonder what Boras would have done. Probably could have gotten $3 million, using some obscure stat, like WAR. Yes, he had a positive WAR going into that arbitration hearing.
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