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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. gotbeer


    That's my biggest fear is losing sight. I can't understand why any hockey player wouldn't have a visor.
  2. Power Rankings. One of these will probably be more accurate.
  3. Just curious. But who is the Ducks 3rd goalie? Looking at this site, http://capgeek.com/ducks, looks like the Ducks have $15 million in cap space this season. Maybe the Ducks will be buyers for the final push? Another possiblity is what if the Ducks trade Hiller? That would give the Ducks $32 million in cap space next season. Just talking out loud. Much of this is probably not possible.
  4. Can you get a big haul for him though. Not as familiar with NHL moves as MLB moves. But since he is a FA next season, I would think you would need a team in which A) Perry will sign a long term deal with and wants to go to, and a team that has room under the cap to sign such a player. Again, I'm not familiar with how the NHL works. So don't know if it's like the NBA where the Ducks can sign him for a much more than he can get in FA'cy. Or if there is compensation. Or what. I don't even know how close the Ducks are to the cap, since that would probably play into the negotiations. Hope they can keep both, since something special is brewing. But I would think the trade partners for Perry are limited, and that because of that the haul won't be much.
  5. Anyone else watch this? I saw the premiere and while it's raw and needs some work in the presentation side. Chris Jerico as a host is ok at times, and at times is lost. It's kind of interesting. Pretty much it's Rockem Sockem with 2 ton Robots. I kind of wish they went more into how they control the Robots a bit more. And during the fight, the sparks kind of detract from it. But for a first fight, it was at least interesting. And the teams should be able to customize their bots more.
  6. It would solve a lot of headaches if they did do that. But also create some more. It's no secret that the area surrounding Doggie stadium hates them with a passion. So instead of 81 days of traffic headaches, it would result in having 8 days, that makes sense. What has to be resolved would be no tailgating at the stadium. Because part of football is tailgating. The other obstacle that has to be overcome is McCourt. He still does own the parking lots. A move downtown for the Doggies also makes sense. If they want to build up that area, having 81 days of action is a lot better than 8 days. Now the downside is, I don't know if that area can handle 81 days of traffic. + is, the blue line has a station right at where the stadium will be. So if people use that, it won't be as bad. When there is no game at Staples center, that whole area is a ghosttown. Especially on the weekdays. So this would be a big boost to the area in the summer. Of course the negative is, if you get out of the green zone, you are in trouble. The areas surrounding Staples is getting better, but still not that great.
  7. I used to watch them. But as the OP has said, they have become pretty bad. You can have a topic, and it could be something important in sports, and they will barely cover it since they have already worked on some story back east. they will have a short 30 second segment on who won last weekends golf tournament. Then go off for 5 minutes on what Tigger did, and how they think he will do next week or for the next major. They just don't bring much to the table for myself anymore. If my provider ever went A La Carte, I don't think I would get ESPN.
  8. DAng. I thought the announcers made a mistake. But looked it up, and Billy Hamilton really did steal 155 times last season. That is nuts. And even more nutsy, is he got 245 walks and hits last season.
  9. Galaxy S4 Teased and Detailed as Samsung Gears Up for Big Event
  10. Kate Upton Tweets Pic of Her Russian Mail-Order Bride Doppelgänger
  11. At least we still got a point. But that clank off the post sounded real loud.
  12. With the governors mysterious past, and his psychotic nature. Anyone think he was a prisoner of the prison before everything went downhill? Kind of like that whole comment he gave about you said the prison couldn't be taken. If I were Rick. I'd get a brick. Load up that neat van the Governor supplied. And drone it into town. Then pick off the sentries.
  13. All those locusts, and not one crop lost. So the locusts will go deeper into the desert. Not very smart of them.
  14. Great catch. But since it's on CNN, get's a deduction on presentation.
  15. Glad to see they didn't get too big for their britches. I thought for sure after Bubba won the Masters, that would have been the last of these fun videos.
  16. Very much so. They made her turn to crazy more like a turn to whining. I want a gun. Everyone else has a gun. Give me a gun. I want to kill. I can handle myself. Yeah, I killed I am a badass, where is my cookie?
  17. Anyone else notice, when they were loading up the car, Michone had a crossbow?
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