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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Dish will probably be the same. I don't mind, since my cable bill is already too high as is. Just like I don't mind not seeing the Lakers, and soon to be Doggies when Dish won't cave into their ridiculous demands also.
  2. And maybe start a wallpapers in either the downloads or gallery section. Not sure which it would be more appropriate for. Chuck?
  3. Someone should spreadsheet it, so we have a running list of the RTC's.
  4. Langers in McArthur Park. Expensive, but real real good. Road to Seol. A Korean BBQ place in Koreatown. One of the better one's. Been trying various restaurants in the Larchmont Village area near where I live. They've all been pretty good there so far. fast food: In N Out of course The Hat Original Tommy's Food Trucks: Kogi Tacos. Was better than I thought it would be. Korean Taco's, who would have thunk it. Places I've been disappointed in: Grilled Cheese Truck. All hype, didn't think it was worth it.
  5. Nice story. Those window washers make bank too. And it shows. They need to cut back on the carbs.
  6. None of them. The slaves didn't know how to sail a ship.
  7. World's Worst Tattoo is Fixed Anyone want to go to the first guy to get a Trout tattoo?
  8. Did a Cross-Dressing Priest Sex Ring Bring Down Benedict XVI?
  9. stunning news. Never would have thought it. that the figure was so low that is.
  10. Now, how about posting documents, like google docs. Would love to post a spreadsheet.
  11. Justin Verlander wants to become MLB's first $200 million pitcher, preferably in Detroit Is this code for I want to be a Skankee or Red Suck?
  12. Maserati driver in Vegas shooting-crash was rapper Vegas and rappers don't seem to play well with each other.
  13. Which is stupid. Because Credit Card companies make 2%+ off every transaction you make. 2%, even if you pay it off every month, is 24% annually they make in their pocket.
  14. Wonder if someone can prevent players from playing the game. Manager maybe?
  15. Come to think of it. Yeah, I think you are right. At least the credit card portion of HSBC was.
  16. Best Buy's credit just got bought out by Chase. I don't know if anything has been done yet between the two. But my guess is, something got fraked because of this. Edit: Incorrectly stated above. Best Buy was on HSBC, then went to Capital One, and a few days ago, was sold to Citigroup. Capital One sells Best Buy credit card portfolio to Citigroup
  17. There it went. Cleaning the cache or cleaning the registry (since I did both) seemed to have helped. Now I can see it all.
  18. Tried that. Guess I'll try clearing my cache and see if that helps.
  19. for instance. I was able to respond to the Oscar Thread in the Hangout forum. Because it's on the main forum pages. But once I click ont he Hangout forum, it kicks me to the error screen.
  20. Yeah, it's strange. It started yesterday at some point. Everytime I click on only those two topics, I get the error. All other topics is fine. And I can click on the latest post updated, and it will take me to that post. But if I try to go up to the main forum, it gives me the error.
  21. Saw Argo last night. It was good. But I put it on par with Silver Linings Playbook. And this isn't a snub for either film. I just thought both films gave the same vibe. Everything about both movies were very good. But neither stood out over the other. In a way, the one thing that stood out was Silver Lining Playbooks social message. Now I haven't seen Lincoln. So can't compare that one in. But I hear good things about it, especially Daniel Day Lewis. Which is a shame, because I thought Bradley Cooper was just amazing in his role. Reminded me of how well Jack Nicholson was in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and As Good as it Gets as far as mental illness movies goes. IMO, any other year, and Bradley Cooper runs away with it. That's how good i thought his performance was. Now back to movies. I think Argo and Lincoln would be good comparisons, since they are both historical movies. I just don't know if Argo compares, since it was a good movie, but not a history changing movie. I didn't walk away with wow. I walked away with it was ok, and kept me interested. And I still can't see the hangout topic. Only able to see posts that was last posted.
  22. That part is. It's when I try to go to the Hangout forum or the Daily forum that I get an error.
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