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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. So does this mean there won't be any future possiblity of having iframes (posting from google docs) on the forums?
  2. Yup, Proxy server, or VPN. First Row is another option.
  3. Ray and Tank should try the Buddhist temple in Hacienda Heights. And no, I'm not joking. Pure vegetarian food, but I hear it is fantastic.
  4. She should get together with the teacher. Have a teacher student film.
  5. Holy smokes. They just showed Callaspo on the tube. He's giving Pablo a run for his money. No way did he lose the 18 lbs.
  6. Time to put that warning track power to good use.
  7. Guess the Governors Ball food wasn't too filling.
  8. They looked flat. F'in schedulers giving them 6 days off.
  9. Let's hope he can recapture some of that talent he once had.
  10. Who is faster going to first. Morales or Mateo?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w5c-Nde5IDM
  12. I don't like how close this game is. they might get lucky.
  13. key word there is value. Marlins did get rid of a bunch of money. So value wise yes. Talent wise. umm. No.
  14. Ducks aren't down after the first period. Baby steps. lol
  15. As Surgeon Generals go. He's the only one I think I ever remember because of his beard.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qkAXbi375w Crappy video. But it answers the question. At about 3:42. Right eye.
  17. I don't know what the difference is. But I get the runs every time I go to Del Taco. I have no problem with Taco Bell. /shrug. And I don't mind Del Taco's food either. Just the side effects. I'm thinking one of their spices they put in their food just doesn't agree with me.
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