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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. There goes Aybar thinking it's little league again.
  2. You guys who only say it's a few thousand should really read the Mathis article on his arbitration journey. And what those few thousand really means.
  3. Which is funny. Because I thought the hype when he came here was his command.
  4. Yeah, Vernon showed all of us. 20 more games started
  5. Yeah, looked it up and you are right. It was last spring he had the Labrum tear. He just sucked last year. lol.
  6. Well, this inning the Angels forgot to bring their gloves
  7. And Trumbo goes about and drops a routine one.
  8. This Kershaw kid is pretty good. We should trade for him. I'm sure Bourjos would get it done.
  9. Angels. Creating gold glove players on both sides of the plate.
  10. Angels motto so far this spring. "Cannot have a first inning lead. "
  11. Trumbo showing the leather so far this spring
  12. He didn't want to push it with Vernon coming up. He knew he was going nowhere.
  13. Makes sense. I believe Cassevah is out of options. So he'd have to make the 25 man roster. Outright him now, before people can figure out if his surgery was a success. he then goes to AAA. We can work on him, and can be called up later.
  14. yes, but the Angels have to also think about long term. If they give him what Howard got. Then later on, he can come back and say in Arb 1 that he wants Howard money, you even thought I should get Howard money after my first year of mlb service. In the first year of arbitration, Howard asked for $18 million. Phillies were at $14 million. They eventually settled for a 3 year, $54 million contract. This was just to buy out his arbitration years.
  15. Commissioner in the league must be Bud Selig. Commissioner in your league must be Bud Selig. With the GM being Tony Reagins.
  16. If it was today instead of back in the late 60's, I wonder if he would have changed his mind? As a #1 pick, Bradshaw got $110k signing bonus paid over 10 years. $25k base salary increased $5k a season. Since he wasn't a #1 pick. It was probably lower. I'd go duck hunting instead too.
  17. If the government scrutinized charities more, they could probably make up the money in lost tax dollars to fund the deficit.
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