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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. DAng. I thought the announcers made a mistake. But looked it up, and Billy Hamilton really did steal 155 times last season. That is nuts. And even more nutsy, is he got 245 walks and hits last season.
  2. Galaxy S4 Teased and Detailed as Samsung Gears Up for Big Event
  3. Kate Upton Tweets Pic of Her Russian Mail-Order Bride Doppelgänger
  4. At least we still got a point. But that clank off the post sounded real loud.
  5. With the governors mysterious past, and his psychotic nature. Anyone think he was a prisoner of the prison before everything went downhill? Kind of like that whole comment he gave about you said the prison couldn't be taken. If I were Rick. I'd get a brick. Load up that neat van the Governor supplied. And drone it into town. Then pick off the sentries.
  6. All those locusts, and not one crop lost. So the locusts will go deeper into the desert. Not very smart of them.
  7. Great catch. But since it's on CNN, get's a deduction on presentation.
  8. Glad to see they didn't get too big for their britches. I thought for sure after Bubba won the Masters, that would have been the last of these fun videos.
  9. Very much so. They made her turn to crazy more like a turn to whining. I want a gun. Everyone else has a gun. Give me a gun. I want to kill. I can handle myself. Yeah, I killed I am a badass, where is my cookie?
  10. Anyone else notice, when they were loading up the car, Michone had a crossbow?
  11. He played a lot last spring also. And actually put up decent numbers (for him that is). 23 games, .277/.338/.477/.815 Dipoto might have some inquiries. But it's probably just to get him reps. Just like Trumbo has been in a lot of games already.
  12. He should have stayed in Japan. He just bit off more than he could chew.
  13. Better safe than sorry. We have a brutal bunch of games right now. No sense in pushing Palmeiri.
  14. Chuck is going all Walmart on everyone and making AW.com bigger and bigger.
  15. I'm still debating this one. I am hearing mixed reviews about it, with one article comparing it to John Carter in terms of how they think it will do in the box office.
  16. There are only 2 people bitter about this. And if I were Trout, I would question my agent for looking so short term with the media, and not long term. Really, who's fault is this? The Angels, or the Agents for not doing his job?
  17. Maybe he will assign one to Trout for the season. It looks like Scioscia lost 30 pounds with it on. Where is the sarcasm button.
  18. Not the same. Fat jokes get old. Food jokes on the other hand. Kobayashi just couldn't cut the mustard.
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