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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. Will Ferrell Adam Sandler Matthew McConaughey Every once in a while, the bind squirrel finds an acorn. But usually it just craps all over the place.
  2. Ryan Getzlaf resigns with the Anaheim Ducks for all of the years and most of the money Nice. One down. One to go. I still think they will re-sign Perry, and trade Hiller. Just my gut feeling.
  3. Too bad Villar is leaving office. He would want one built in LA if he had thought of it. Although Brown is still in office. So there is a possibility that LA will get one. But it will be built at Mono Lake first, since it's too expensive to build in LA right now.
  4. And here I thought it would be about a stairwell at Angels Stadium.
  5. Doesn't lidocaine powder have no smell and taste? But you need to build a tollerance to it, or it will kill you. Just wait till one of these officers does something wrong in the future.
  6. I know. I want to believe. But you are probably right. Even though I want you to be wrong.
  7. First time I ever saw it. And yes, had the awkard moment.
  8. Per the previous discussion on the old forum. I liked Callaspo in the 2 spot. But the way Kendrick is mashing it right now, makes me wonder. It's still early, but if he can be all we hoped him to be many many many moons ago, it would be huge.
  9. Richard Sherman gets snarky with Skip Bayless, provides a marginal reason to watch ‘First Take’ Awesome. Powned! Sorry, media link doesn't seem to be working. (Edited by Mod: You were not using the right link for sharing links for YouTube -- Plus you don't need to use media tags, just go to YouTube, click on share under the video, it pops open a link at the top of the video that looks like youtu.be xxxxx etc.) I copied the correct YouTube link and pasted it in this thread.
  10. Downfall. Without that movie, there would be no Hitler Parodies.
  11. One problem with him is he isn't on the 40 man roster. But then again, Hall isn't on the 40 man roster also. But the big red flag is, these numbers are so much higher than anything he's done in the minors. I don't know how much the Angels would be willing to put him on the roster, off of one Spring. He'll probably start in AAA, and see if his hitting continues, then possibly be called up later in the season. But then you run into the problem of not being able to send him back down without clearing waivers. http://thebaseballcube.com/players/profile.asp?P=Bill-Hall'>Bill Hall on the other hand at least had some former MLB experience, and was good at one point. I could see them taking a shot at him, especially with the power he's shown in the spring.
  12. I enjoyed the last 3. I could live with the little kids acting, if Jar Jar wasn't in the picture. The lightsaber scenes have come a long way since Darth and Obi Won fought. And Anakin was a bit too sniviling. But I thought Ewan McGreggor nailed the Obi Wan roll.
  13. If she shot her, would she have to face murder charges for killing herself? Penalties for identity theives should be greater. Like 20 years deworming orphans in Somalia.
  14. If that's the case, then Wells would have never left Toronto.
  15. If he doesn't like it here. Then he should go back to Mexico where he will be greeted with Cartel gunfire, and Police kidnappings.
  16. Chuck Finley would have been better off leaving her that way. Shouldn't Judy Garland be on the list?
  17. Much needed win there. Although a bit to close to relax.
  18. Yeah, we kind of beat it to death. Next time we'll whip up a better dish. Just to spice things up.
  19. Delivery Guy Gets 10 Dollar Tip for 85 Pizzas
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