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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. A loss, but overall a good game. They had the opportunities, just didn't fall the right way. No cheap goals given up either, so that's a plus.
  2. And here I thought the Angels lost with all the sky is falling posts. Then look on ESPN.com and see that they won. Now if AO doesn't post and they lose it's his fault.
  3. Butcher. Too much money owed to Scioscia to at least not try to retain him and put a new Dipoto choice coaching staff around him. If that doesn't work, then fire Scioscia.
  4. You overpaid if you left before the first 53 outs. But if you stayed for the full 54 outs, it was freaking priceless.
  5. In the words of Lifetime. Apples to Oranges.
  6. This country needs to kick these types of people out of the country. Revolk their citizenships, and hand them over to countries looking to us for aid.
  7. Division is out of reach realistically. Mathmatically they can still do it. Going to watch the game with my Kings friend tonight. So should be fun. Probably going to a sports bar, so if they have the Angels game on, I will ask them to change it to the Ducks game.
  8. No, AAA is that bad of a wasteland.
  9. So Angelsjunky would have rather had Wells. They also only had 7 days after the WS to make a decision on Haren and Santana, and financially I can see why they went the direction they did. Greinke had a choice, and he chose not to come back. Unless the Angels went 6/$150+ he would not have come here. Then people would be here bitching that he's out, and may not be the same pitcher again.
  10. That was just a bizarre ending. Surprised I can't find a video of it anywhere. As for Hamilton, yeah, I'd get out of dodge quick too if I were him. But when they showed him going into the dugout, people were just sitting there wondering WTF just happened. Remember in 2002, when the Angels beat the Yankees in the playoffs, and they showed Torre in the dugout looking like he was stunned and WTF happened. That's what the Angels dugout looked like.
  11. NHL, players join with You Can Play to fight homophobia in hockey
  12. Make it like hockey. Anyone on the field is on their own. But if you leave the bench, it's an automatic ejection/fine/suspension. That'll make batters think twice on taking on 9 people.
  13. Proof positive that Greinke should have re-signed with the Angels. If he did, he never would have gotten injured, since the Angels have no fight in them.
  14. Didn't see it. But where was the catcher in all of this? Scioscia will probably tell you, in these situations, you put yourself between the pitcher. And if the shmuck charges, then you tackle him to protect your pitcher. Baseball revolves around the catcher as you all know.
  15. Please don't fade Freddy. Would love to see him win.
  16. I remember a time when these meetings were called no earlier than August to fire the team up for the postseason push.
  17. So many people will be missing an epic comeback.
  18. Wasn't Aggie the one that said the same thing last year, and sure enough the Angels were within striking distance around the all Star Break. Of course we wilted in the So Cal sun in Sept. But still, I think a Texas fan thinks this team is better than Angels fans do.
  19. If Scioscia put Jerome in, instead of Lowe, this game might have turned out quite different. Scioscia's biggest fault, year in, year out. Veterans baby.
  20. We should worry first about putting a batter in RF before moving Bourjos to LF.
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