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Everything posted by gotbeer

  1. I really think the contract got in his head. When you get traded for, paying the full $21 million salary, expectations are sky high. The entire burden is on you. Now that you get traded again, while you still make the $21 million, the team that has you is really only paying what, $5 million of it? Expectations are a lot lower, and you can relax more. It also helps when you are surrounded by aging former superstars also. Instead of a bunch of young guys that you are trying to mentor. He is probably focusing more on himself, than everyone focusing on him.
  2. Those are interesting numbers. Hopefully his approach will prevent the second half approach like he was working towards.
  3. Saw it. Interesting, but IMO not a must see in the theaters. But probably worth a shot on dvd.
  4. Compared to CNN though. They were pretty spot on. And by spot on, I mean terrible.
  5. http://www.angelswin-forum.com/forums/topic/2111-explosion-at-boston-marathon/page-9 Sunil Tripathi.
  6. Yeah, exactly. Everyone knows he has lost a few steps. But to come out on notice to perform. When he probably hasn't sung in years, if not decades. That's someone that wants to be there, to honor. I don't care how they sound. For instance if Train came out to sing Calling on Angels at a game, I wouldn't care how they sounded.
  7. Dude is talented. Good for him. And while people here say he's a douche. He's said less douche things than Torri. And people still seem to love him.
  8. FBI did say that that one missing guy suddenly became very important. He's still missing I think.
  9. Dogs > than Cats. But, my dog responded the same way when golf balls were hit on tv.
  10. If True, then yes, a complete fail. I get that you can't tail everyone. But in the early stages, when you say there is no terrorist connections, and this type of information comes out. Makes me wonder who is survellanced and who isn't.
  11. Not a good time to go in a slump. Hopefully now that they are back on the every other day game schedule, they will get their legs back.
  12. But the problem is, then the 115 other players before him would then be asking for more money. Especially those first and second rounders on the Angels. Overpaying a later draft pick is playing right into the Boras wheelhouse of contract negotiations.
  13. Good. Patch him up and send him to Guantanamo.
  14. So do we got him or not? With so much misinformation the last 24 hours, it's still 50/50
  15. Shouldn't this be a poll about finding a new place/hosts? Dammit where is the sarcasm button.
  16. How about we just pass legistlation about wearing baseball caps backwards? We need to meet in the middle ground.
  17. But what about pressure cookers?
  18. He's lucky. It's just everyone around him that become unlucky.
  19. I don't know. He's in the US, so he has these rights things. They should put the boat in the ocean, about 8-10 miles out and let the military pick him up in international waters and take him to Guantanamo.
  20. Convienient for homeland security to come out with information after the fact.
  21. So how many bullet holes in the boat?
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